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Worker Safety Video - Plumber Killed in Catastrophic Trench Collapse

This video has been produced based on the true story of a plumber who was killed in a trench collapse that was investigated by the NY FACE Program. Th...

NFPA Fireworks Safety

The NFPA has worked with numerous other organizations under the Alliance to Stop Consumer Fireworks to ask the public not to buy fireworks for the Fou...

Know Your Nailer: Nail Gun Safety

Nail guns are used every day on many construction jobs, particularly in residential construction. They boost productivity but also cause tens of thous...

Safety Pays Falls Cost

This NIOSH video is a testimonial by the owner of a residential framing company who experienced a fatality on one of his jobsites when a roof collapse...

Avoiding Fatalities: Three Construction Workers Killed After Being Struck by a Bus in a Highway Work Zone

This animated video was based on a NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) accident report (specifically, taken from FACE summary –...

Stop Silicosis

This OSHA video covers the promulgation of the revised silica standard, which was published on Mar 25, 2016. The YouTube video starts with a clip from...

ARTBA Work Zone Fatality Videos

NIOSH’s Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program is a research program designed to prevent occupational fatalities. More FACE repo...

Painting Health Hazards and Their Control

This is from the 1984 NIOSH video, Dual Protection (14 minutes), an excellent training tool that is still relevant today, 25 years later. It explores...

Proper Posture

Clipped from the 1947 animation short, Modern Guide to Health, promoting general health awareness, by the British government. But as we have learned...

Canary used for testing for carbon monoxide

Canary used for testing for carbon monoxide...