Summary Statement
The Construction Safety Association of Ontario has established safety groups of contractors and provided incentives for them to work together. Describes the process and benefits of having groups.
Safety Groups offer Ontario contractors an opportunity to improve safety performance and increase revenue at the same time. The program has been introduced on a trial basis by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in construction and other sectors.
Safety in numbers
Companies participating
in Safety Groups find safety in numbers. They pool resources, share best
practices, help one another improve accident prevention performance, and,
for insurance purposes, gain the advantages of being treated as one large
The motivation to participate comes in part through revenue incentives. Companies in a Safety Group have the opportunity to receive WSIB rebates based on both individual and group performance.
Who's eligible?
Safety Groups must have a minimum combined premium level of $250,000 and include at least 40 companies. The companies must
- be in good standing
with the WSIB
- participate for
at least one full year
- belong to only
one group at a time
- include at least 25% poor safety performers.
Typical objectives
for a Safety Group might include
- specified reductions
in injury frequency
- ensuring that
good performers mentor poor performers
- following an
evaluation plan to gauge how well participants meet goals
- taking advantage
of CSAO products and services
- developing hazard
control and return-to-work programs
- participating in health and safety training.
The important thing to remember is that Safety Groups are not launched and then left to sink or swim. The WSIB provides assistance through cost and injury data, evaluation guidelines, a tool kit for group administrators, compliance audits, and other services.
To support Safety Groups, the Construction Safety Association of Ontario (CSAO)
- provides information
that can be used to help define goals and performance measures
- delivers training
where requested
- teaches firms
to conduct safety profiles
- explains hazard
assessment and control
- identifies injury
- helps companies develop or improve health and safety policies and programs.
Participating firms continue to be individually experience-rated and eligible for WSIB rebates. But they are also evaluated collectively as one big company and can benefit from further adjustments. Awards are directly proportionate to what each firm pays in premiums. Individual firms may still be surcharged but the group as a whole is not penalized by surcharges..
Participating companies work together, sharing their know-how and experience. Benefits can include
- reduced WSIB claims
and costs
- increased financial
- improved experience
- competitive edge
in bidding
- better employee
morale and productivity
- enhanced company image and reputation.
It's worth a serious look
The WSIB approved the establishment of ten Safety Groups among all industries. But contractors showed so much interest in the pilot program that five groups were initially allocated for construction alone.
Four associations have since proceeded to establish Safety Groups:
- Hamilton Construction
- Masonry Industry
Employers Council of Ontario
- Mechanical Contractors
Association of Ontario
- Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA).
1. Expand Membership
Participating associations
not only help existing members improve health and safety performance but
can also expand their membership by attracting new companies to the Safety
Groups they sponsor.
2. Earn Immediate Returns
All contractors taking
part in Safety Groups have an opportunity to earn an immediate return
on investment through lower WSIB premiums. Contractors outside Safety
Groups can lower premiums by improving health and safety performance.
But the process takes several years. As members of a Safety Group, however,
they can reap benefits now.
3. Keep It Confidential
Safety Groups decide
how sensitive information on injury frequency, payroll, and assessments
will be handled and distributed. The administrator chosen by the group
may be the only person who sees this information, which is used on behalf
of the group generally but need not be handed out to everyone.
4. Train Where and When
You Need It
Health and safety
training is one way of making a difference in accident prevention. But
that doesn't mean hours in the classroom. CSAO can help safety groups
by delivering short courses designed to meet specific needs. Information
for home study will be increasingly available via CD, Internet, and training
5. Benefit from a Win/Win
Contractors stand
to gain a double advantage from the two-tier system adopted by the WSIB.
Basically this means that participating firms can earn rebates based on
both the overall performance of the Safety Group and their
own individual records.