Attempt to read property 'getID' from NULL value
PHPTAL_VariableNotFoundException Object
[srcFile] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/templates/elcosh/record.html/collections
[srcLine] =>
[message:protected] => Attempt to read property 'getID' from NULL value
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/templates/elcosh/record.html/collections
[line:protected] =>
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_PHPTAL/PHPTAL/PHPTAL/Context.php
[line] => 353
[function] => pathError
[class] => PHPTAL_Context
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => getID
[2] => getID
[1] => Array
[file] => /tmp/tpl_61515a6c_record_macros__gMFg5NvPLybiFfYjAv9Aag.php
[line] => 105
[function] => path
[class] => PHPTAL_Context
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => getID
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_PHPTAL/PHPTAL/PHPTAL.php
[line] => 772
[function] => tpl_61515a6c_record_macros__gMFg5NvPLybiFfYjAv9Aag_collections
[args] => Array
[0] => PHPTAL Object
[_prefilters:protected] => Array
[_prefilter:PHPTAL:private] => REMOVED: DO NOT USE
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[0] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/templates/elcosh
[_path:protected] => record_macros.html
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[_codeFile:protected] => /tmp/tpl_61515a6c_record_macros__gMFg5NvPLybiFfYjAv9Aag.php
[_functionName:protected] => tpl_61515a6c_record_macros__gMFg5NvPLybiFfYjAv9Aag
[_prepared:protected] => 1
[_triggers:protected] => Array
[_translator:protected] =>
[_globalContext:protected] => stdClass Object
[_context:protected] => PHPTAL_Context Object
[_line] =>
[_file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/templates/elcosh/record.html
[repeat] => stdClass Object
[_xmlDeclaration] =>
[_docType] =>
[_nothrow:PHPTAL_Context:private] =>
[_slots:PHPTAL_Context:private] => Array
[_slotsStack:PHPTAL_Context:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[1] => Array
[_parentContext:PHPTAL_Context:private] => PHPTAL_Context Object
[_line] =>
[_file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/templates/elcosh/record.html
[repeat] => stdClass Object
[_xmlDeclaration] =>
[_docType] =>
[_nothrow:PHPTAL_Context:private] =>
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[_slotsStack:PHPTAL_Context:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[1] => Array
[_parentContext:PHPTAL_Context:private] =>
[_globalContext:PHPTAL_Context:private] => stdClass Object
[_echoDeclarations:PHPTAL_Context:private] =>
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[0] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 53
[5] => 55
[6] => 60
[7] => 64
[8] => 73
[9] => 76
[10] => 78
[11] => 80
[12] => 86
[13] => 87
[14] => 90
[15] => 92
[16] => 93
[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4430/d001660/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BFixed%2BLadder.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in English
and Spanish.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
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[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in English and Spanish.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
[collections:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001657
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in English and Spanish.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in English and Spanish.
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
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[13] => 56
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[18] => 61
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[27] => 72
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[38] => 82
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[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[94] => Category Object
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[new_images] => Array
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[39] => Residential
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[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
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[95] => Category Object
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
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[6] => Boilermaker
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[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[4] => 51
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[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
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[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
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[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Metropark
[img_practice:protected] => not_applicable
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
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[about:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 2001-04-25
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[id:protected] => 8014
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[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[vid_running_time:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] => Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
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[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[82] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[recordId:protected] =>
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[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 11
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[91] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety talk, Spanish
[comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => i002691,d001269, c000079, d001285
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Safety Culture
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Images
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety minute
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => i002691,i002692,d001269,d000527
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
[20] => 62
[21] => 83
[22] => 87
[23] => 91
[24] => 90
[25] => 93
[26] => 94
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
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[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[2] => Hazards
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[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[item:protected] => ImageRecord Object
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
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[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
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[2] => 49
[3] => 51
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[5] => 55
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[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
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[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
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[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
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[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
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[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[49] => Category Object
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
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[13] => 56
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[17] => 60
[18] => 61
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[27] => 72
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[29] => 74
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[37] => 81
[38] => 82
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[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Flagger
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[type:protected] => category
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[13] => 62
[14] => 87
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[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
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[95] => Category Object
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
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[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
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[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
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[6] => Boilermaker
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[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[4] => 51
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[6] => 56
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[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
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[23] => Pile Driver
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[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
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[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => i002660
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
[elcosh_id:protected] => i002687
[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001029, d000010, i001280, i001221
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Metropark
[img_practice:protected] => not_applicable
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
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[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[Abstracts & Summaries] => Array
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 14
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
[website:protected] =>
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[about:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 2001-04-25
[date_billed:protected] => 2001-05-01
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
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[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
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[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[82] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_record:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 11
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[new_images] => Array
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[blurb] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work....
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[6] => 61
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
[26] => Structural Ironworker
[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
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[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[76] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Images
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety minute
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
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[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
[20] => 62
[21] => 83
[22] => 87
[23] => 91
[24] => 90
[25] => 93
[26] => 94
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[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Safety Culture
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
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[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[item:protected] => ImageRecord Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
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[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 37
[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
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[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[12] => 86
[13] => 87
[14] => 90
[15] => 92
[16] => 93
[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[label:protected] => Industrial
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
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[new_images] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
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[2] => 49
[3] => 51
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[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
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[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
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[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[35] => Industrial
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[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
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[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
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[15] => 76
[16] => 63
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[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[4] => 51
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[6] => 56
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[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
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[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[title:protected] => Construction bracing
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[summary:protected] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
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[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001029, d000010, i001280, i001221
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
[category] => Array
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[1] => 15
[2] => 47
[3] => 49
[4] => 79
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Falls
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3975/i002683/Suspended%2BScaffold%2BOutriggers.html
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[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
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[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[70] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 91
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[new_images] => Array
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[blurb] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work....
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[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 61
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[14] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
[26] => Structural Ironworker
[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
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[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
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[15] => 76
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[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[24] => 90
[25] => 93
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 20
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Safety Culture
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
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[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Latino, safety officer, safety culture
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000989,d001351,d001362,d000652, d001101, d000931, d001395
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3995/i002690/Construction%2Bbracing.html
[item:protected] => ImageRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
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[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[15] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 15
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Falls
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[21] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 21
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 97
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
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[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[label:protected] => Industrial
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Renovations
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
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[bok_record:protected] =>
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[16] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[44] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
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[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[35] => Industrial
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[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
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[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => i002660
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
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[url] => /image/3979/i002687/Three%2BTower%2BCranes.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
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[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001029, d000010, i001280, i001221
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 15
[2] => 47
[3] => 49
[4] => 79
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Falls
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3975/i002683/Suspended%2BScaffold%2BOutriggers.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
[elcosh_id:protected] => i002683
[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000244,d000359,i000253,i000407
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
[0] => DocumentRecord Object
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 2001-04-25
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[4] => Trades
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[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
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[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
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[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
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[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001657
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
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[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[52] => Category Object
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[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[label:protected] => Laborer
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[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[new_images] => Array
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[blurb] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work....
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
[26] => Structural Ironworker
[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
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[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
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[8] => 55
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[10] => 60
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[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Latino, safety officer, safety culture
[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d000989,d001351,d001362,d000652, d001101, d000931, d001395
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[8] => Carpenter
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[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
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[title:protected] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
[0] => DocumentRecord Object
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4430
[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
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[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[organizations:protected] =>
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[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4431
[old_id:protected] =>
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001661
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 6
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
[collections:protected] =>
[categories:protected] => Array
[16] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[44] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
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[2] => 49
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[5] => 64
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[10] => 78
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[44] => Media
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[14] => Cement Mason
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[93] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3995/i002690/Construction%2Bbracing.html
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
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[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
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[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[1] => 15
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[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Falls
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[consol_link:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
[0] => DocumentRecord Object
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[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[total_pages:protected] => 26
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[content:protected] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 37
[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[9] => 78
[10] => 79
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[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
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[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
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[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
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[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
[collections:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Renovations
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
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[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
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[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
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[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
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[3] => 51
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[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
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[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
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[10] => 60
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[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
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[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
[labels] => Array
[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
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[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[id:protected] => 8014
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[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[new_records] => Array
[0] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
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[7] => Cement Mason
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[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[92] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
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[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[17] => 90
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[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[4] => 49
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[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[50] => Industrial
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
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[4] => 62
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[0] => Images
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[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001029, d000010, i001280, i001221
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 15
[2] => 47
[3] => 49
[4] => 79
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Falls
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3975/i002683/Suspended%2BScaffold%2BOutriggers.html
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[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[name:protected] => English
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
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[about:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
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[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[9] => 78
[10] => 79
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[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
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[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
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[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
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[37] => Industrial
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
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[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
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[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
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[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 58
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
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[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[label:protected] => Laborer
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[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
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[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
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[15] => 88
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[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[35] => Industrial
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[39] => Residential
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[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
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[18] => 80
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[sub_category] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[languages:protected] =>
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
[labels] => Array
[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3979/i002687/Three%2BTower%2BCranes.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
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[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
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[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
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[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_record:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
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[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
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[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[91] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[16] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 83
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/13/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
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[10] => Cement Mason
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[14] => Interior Systems Carpenter
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[22] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[28] => Commercial & Institutional
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[30] => Demolition
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[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[type:protected] => image
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[title:protected] => Toolbox talk - crew view
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety talk, Spanish
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3995/i002690/Construction%2Bbracing.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 15
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Falls
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[10] => Structural Ironworker
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[5] => 87
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[5] => Hazards
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[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[content:protected] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 37
[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[13] => HVAC
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[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[10] => 79
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[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
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[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
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[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
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[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
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[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
[collections:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 89
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
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[13] => 56
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[17] => 60
[18] => 61
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[20] => 65
[21] => 66
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[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
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[37] => 81
[38] => 82
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[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Flagger
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/13/21
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Safety Culture
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 93
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety minute
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => i002691,i002692,d001269,d000527
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
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[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[23] => 91
[24] => 90
[25] => 93
[26] => 94
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[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Safety Culture
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
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[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
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[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[9403] => File Object
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[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
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[type:protected] => document
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[img_ext:protected] =>
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[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[content:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
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[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 11
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[72] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[86] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
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[date_modified:protected] => 12/13/21
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[new_images] => Array
[0] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - crew view
[image] => /record/images/4005-p.jpg
[blurb] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
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[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 61
[7] => 64
[8] => 71
[9] => 75
[10] => 63
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[2] => Media & Documents
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[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Cement Mason
[12] => Electrical Worker
[14] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[16] => Laborer
[18] => Painter
[20] => Plasterer
[22] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[24] => Scaffold Erector
[26] => Structural Ironworker
[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
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[languages:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox talk - crew view
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety talk, Spanish
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/4006/i002693/Toolbox%2Btalk%2B-%2Blong%2Bshot.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Demolition
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[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
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[97] => Category Object
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
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[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[93] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3995/i002690/Construction%2Bbracing.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 15
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Falls
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[5] => 87
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[5] => Hazards
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[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[billed_pages:protected] => 2
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] =>
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[content:protected] =>
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[8014] => File Object
[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 37
[old_id:protected] => 1234
[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[10] => 79
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[13] => 86
[14] => 87
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[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
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[1] => Work Environment
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[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
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[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
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[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
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[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
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[13] => 56
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[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
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[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
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[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
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[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Truck Driver
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Underground
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/13/21
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[new_images] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/4006/i002693/Toolbox%2Btalk%2B-%2Blong%2Bshot.html
[item:protected] => ImageRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Safety Culture
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety minute
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
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[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[23] => 91
[24] => 90
[25] => 93
[26] => 94
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[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Safety Culture
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[5] => Hazards
[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
[labels] => Array
[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3979/i002687/Three%2BTower%2BCranes.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
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[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
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[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
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[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
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[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[25] => Welder
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[28] => Jobsites
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[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[content:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[82] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 11
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
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[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox talk - crew view
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/4006/i002693/Toolbox%2Btalk%2B-%2Blong%2Bshot.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
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[11] => 61
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[13] => 71
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[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
[19] => 82
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[23] => 91
[24] => 90
[25] => 93
[26] => 94
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[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Safety Culture
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[61] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[63] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Latino, safety officer, safety culture
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d000989,d001351,d001362,d000652, d001101, d000931, d001395
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 15
[2] => 21
[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[29] => Scaffold Erector
[31] => Sheetmetal Worker
[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3995/i002690/Construction%2Bbracing.html
[item:protected] => ImageRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[15] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 15
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Falls
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Scaffolds
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 60
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
[0] => DocumentRecord Object
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/06/14
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d000561
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000817,d001110,d000586
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
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[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
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[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
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[1] => Work Environment
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[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
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[37] => Industrial
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
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[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
[authors:protected] =>
[organizations:protected] =>
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[11] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
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[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
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[13] => 56
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[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
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[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
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[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
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[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Flagger
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
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[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
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[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
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[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[95] => Category Object
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
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[6] => Boilermaker
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[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[4] => 51
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[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
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[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
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[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
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[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Pile Driver
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 02/01/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[img_practice:protected] => not_applicable
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[keywords:protected] => suspended, scaffold, swing, stage, fall, protection, counterweight, qualified, person
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
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[about:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 2001-04-25
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[id:protected] => 8014
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[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
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[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
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[2] => 49
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[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[82] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[id:protected] => 86
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[89] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[recordId:protected] =>
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[bok_record:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
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[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
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[billable:protected] => F
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[100] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Daniela Caceres
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[49] => Category Object
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[53] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[65] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[73] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 73
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[74] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 74
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 75
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[80] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[84] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 84
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
[billed_pages:protected] => 1
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => DeWalt, Fire Hazards, recall, headphones
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[24] => Scaffold Erector
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[28] => Commercial & Institutional
[29] => Jobsites
[30] => Demolition
[32] => Heavy & Highway
[34] => Industrial
[36] => Renovations
[38] => Residential
[40] => Underground
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 94
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox talk - crew view
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety talk, Spanish
[comments:protected] =>
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[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
[12] => 82
[13] => 62
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 91
[17] => 90
[18] => 93
[19] => 94
[20] => 95
[21] => 97
[labels] => Array
[0] => Safety Culture
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
[25] => Stonemason
[27] => Structural Ironworker
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Heavy & Highway
[35] => Industrial
[37] => Renovations
[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
[43] => Images
[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Safety Culture
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[79] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[87] => Category Object
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[97] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Images
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => toolbox talk, tailgate talk, safety minute
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[more_like_this:protected] => i002691,i002692,d001269,d000527
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Morgan Zavertnik and Hoar Construction
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
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[6] => Boilermaker
[7] => Trades
[8] => Bricklayer
[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
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[47] => Jobsites
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[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Bruce Lippy
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 01/30/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[3] => 49
[4] => 51
[5] => 55
[6] => 56
[7] => 60
[8] => 64
[9] => 68
[10] => 74
[11] => 63
[12] => 78
[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[2] => Hazards
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[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
[19] => Laborer
[21] => Maintenance Worker
[23] => Pile Driver
[25] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[33] => Structural Ironworker
[35] => Commercial & Institutional
[36] => Jobsites
[37] => Industrial
[39] => Images
[40] => Media
[41] => Media & Documents
[type] => Images
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
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[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
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[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000391,d000497,d000561
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 10/17/03
[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/05/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
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[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 1999
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 09/16/02
[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 10/09/12
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[id:protected] => 8014
[filename:protected] => d001109.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => T
[timestamp:protected] => 2011-06-24 15:56:23
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[9403] => File Object
[id:protected] => 9403
[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[elcosh_id:protected] => d001109
[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML w/ PDF
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => ISEA Listing of Female Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturers
[total_pages:protected] => 5
[billed_pages:protected] => 5
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
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[img_width:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[title] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
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[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example,...
[category] => Array
[0] => 15
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 53
[5] => 55
[6] => 60
[7] => 64
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[13] => 87
[14] => 90
[15] => 92
[16] => 93
[17] => 94
[18] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Falls
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Concrete Polisher
[11] => Electrical Worker
[13] => HVAC
[15] => Laborer
[17] => PCC/Restoration
[19] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Sheetmetal Worker
[25] => Welder
[27] => Commercial & Institutional
[28] => Jobsites
[29] => Industrial
[31] => LEED/Green Construction
[33] => Renovations
[35] => Residential
[37] => Toolbox Talks
[38] => Documents
[39] => Media & Documents
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Fixed Ladder
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Fixed Ladders, Fall Prevention, Falls
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Fixed Ladders addresses the potential risks associated with using fixed ladders. The resource includes a brief case example, steps to prevent a related injury and questions for discussion. It includes an image that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001257,d001254,d001255,d001256,d001258,d001262,d001279
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[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 47
[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 71
[8] => 75
[9] => 78
[10] => 79
[11] => 82
[12] => 62
[13] => 86
[14] => 87
[15] => 88
[16] => 89
[17] => 91
[18] => 90
[19] => 92
[20] => 93
[21] => 94
[22] => 95
[23] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Painter
[17] => Plasterer
[19] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[21] => Scaffold Erector
[23] => Stonemason
[25] => Structural Ironworker
[27] => Welder
[29] => Commercial & Institutional
[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
[33] => Disasters
[35] => Heavy & Highway
[37] => Industrial
[39] => LEED/Green Construction
[41] => Renovations
[43] => Residential
[45] => Underground
[47] => Toolbox Talks
[48] => Documents
[49] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4431/d001661/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BChallenges%2BPreventing%2BFalling%2BObjects.html
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 64
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[78] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Welder
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Challenges Preventing Falling Objects
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => dropped objects, falling objects, struck by incidents, struck by fatalities
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Challenges Preventing Falling Objects addresses the hazards of being struck by falling objects on the job site. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a group workers observing a scaffold free of debris during high winds, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001244,d001251,d001253,d001260,d001268,d001278
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
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[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_completed:protected] => 06/10/22
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/22/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and durin...
[category] => Array
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 18
[3] => 70
[4] => 87
[5] => 88
[6] => 91
[7] => 90
[8] => 92
[9] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Cranes & Hoists
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Crushed/Struck By
[6] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[9] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Trades
[11] => Commercial & Institutional
[12] => Jobsites
[13] => Demolition
[15] => Heavy & Highway
[17] => Industrial
[19] => LEED/Green Construction
[21] => Toolbox Talks
[22] => Documents
[23] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4427/d001657/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BTower%2BCrane%2BSafety.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
[records:protected] => Array
[recordId:protected] =>
[searchWordClass:protected] =>
[searchWordPeerClass:protected] =>
[bok_record:protected] =>
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[organizations:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cranes & Hoists
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[12] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[18] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 91
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 92
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => LEED/Green Construction
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 100
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 6
[label:protected] => Toolbox Talks
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
[mapped_items:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[files:protected] =>
[language:protected] => Language Object
[id:protected] => 1
[code:protected] => en
[name:protected] => English
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => document
[display_type:protected] => HTML only (and links)
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => Mike Aguilar
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Toolbox Talk: Tower Crane Safety
[total_pages:protected] => 0
[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Tower Crane, Crane, Stability, Tipping, Lift Zone Safety, Lift, Zone, Safety, Struck by
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Tower Crane Safety addresses the potential hazards of Tower Cranes and the importance of following procedure before and during Tower Crane operation. The resource includes a brief example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates a worker inspecting a Tower Crane before operation, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely.
Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001234,d001238,d001250,d001251,d001253,d001258,d001262,d001273
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox Talk: Work Zone Safety: Working Around Vehicles
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The res...
[category] => Array
[0] => 12
[1] => 18
[2] => 52
[3] => 57
[4] => 70
[5] => 85
[6] => 87
[7] => 88
[8] => 89
[9] => 91
[10] => 90
[11] => 92
[12] => 93
[13] => 94
[14] => 95
[15] => 100
[labels] => Array
[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[6] => Commercial Diver
[7] => Trades
[8] => Flagger
[10] => Operating Engineer
[12] => Truck Driver
[14] => Commercial & Institutional
[15] => Jobsites
[16] => Demolition
[18] => Disasters
[20] => Heavy & Highway
[22] => Industrial
[24] => LEED/Green Construction
[26] => Renovations
[28] => Residential
[30] => Underground
[32] => Toolbox Talks
[33] => Documents
[34] => Media & Documents
[type] => Toolbox Talks
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4428/d001658/Toolbox%2BTalk%253A%2BWork%2BZone%2BSafety%253A%2BWorking%2BAround%2BVehicles.html
[item:protected] => DocumentRecord Object
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 12
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Crushed/Struck By
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 18
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Motor Vehicles/Heavy Equipment
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[85] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 85
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Truck Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[88] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 88
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Demolition
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_resources:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Disasters
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[91] => Category Object
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[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[92] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[93] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 93
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Renovations
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[94] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 95
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Underground
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Struck, Struck by, Vehicle, Work Zone Safety, Truck, Operator, Driver, Mobile Equipment
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Working Around Vehicles in the Work Zone addresses methods to avoid being struck-by a vehicle on a construction site. The resource includes a case example, steps to prevent a related injury, and questions for discussion. It includes a graphic that illustrates the hazard, which can be posted in a central location as a reminder of steps to work safely. Available in
English and
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001640
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_completed:protected] => 12/23/21
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 05/19/23
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
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[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[image] => /record/images/notavailable-p.png
[blurb] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of...
[category] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 44
[2] => 45
[3] => 46
[4] => 47
[5] => 48
[6] => 49
[7] => 50
[8] => 51
[9] => 52
[10] => 53
[11] => 54
[12] => 55
[13] => 56
[14] => 57
[15] => 58
[16] => 59
[17] => 60
[18] => 61
[19] => 64
[20] => 65
[21] => 66
[22] => 67
[23] => 68
[24] => 69
[25] => 70
[26] => 71
[27] => 72
[28] => 73
[29] => 74
[30] => 75
[31] => 76
[32] => 77
[33] => 63
[34] => 78
[35] => 79
[36] => 80
[37] => 81
[38] => 82
[39] => 62
[40] => 83
[41] => 84
[42] => 85
[43] => 86
[44] => 87
[45] => 88
[46] => 89
[47] => 91
[48] => 90
[49] => 92
[50] => 93
[51] => 94
[52] => 95
[labels] => Array
[0] => Fire & Explosions
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[4] => Trades
[5] => Asbestos/Insulator
[7] => Boilermaker
[9] => Bricklayer
[11] => Cabinetmaker
[13] => Carpenter
[15] => Carpet Layer
[17] => Cement Mason
[19] => Commercial Diver
[21] => Concrete Polisher
[23] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[25] => Electrical Worker
[27] => Elevator Constructor
[29] => Flagger
[31] => Glazier
[33] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[35] => HVAC
[37] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[39] => Laborer
[41] => Landscaper
[43] => Lather
[45] => Lead Abatement Worker
[47] => Maintenance Worker
[49] => Millwright
[51] => Operating Engineer
[53] => Painter
[55] => Paper Hanger
[57] => PCC/Restoration
[59] => Pile Driver
[61] => Plasterer
[63] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[65] => Refractory Worker
[67] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[69] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[71] => Scaffold Erector
[73] => Sheetmetal Worker
[75] => Sprinkler Fitter
[77] => Stonemason
[79] => Structural Ironworker
[81] => Terrazzo Worker
[83] => Tile Setter
[85] => Truck Driver
[87] => Welder
[89] => Commercial & Institutional
[90] => Jobsites
[91] => Demolition
[93] => Disasters
[95] => Heavy & Highway
[97] => Industrial
[99] => LEED/Green Construction
[101] => Renovations
[103] => Residential
[105] => Underground
[type] =>
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /document/4426/d001656/Construction%2BDive%2B--%2BDeWalt%2527s%2BJobsite%2BPro%2Bheadphones%2Brecalled%2Bfor%2Bfire%2Bhazards.html
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[16] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 16
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 7
[label:protected] => Fire & Explosions
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[44] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 44
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Acoustical Ceiling Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[45] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 45
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Asbestos/Insulator
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[46] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 46
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Boilermaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[48] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 48
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cabinetmaker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[51] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[52] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 52
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Commercial Diver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[53] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 53
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Concrete Polisher
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[54] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 54
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[55] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 55
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[56] => Category Object
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[id:protected] => 56
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[57] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 57
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Flagger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[58] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 58
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Glazier
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[59] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 59
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Hazardous Waste Cleanup
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[60] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 61
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Laborer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 65
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Landscaper
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[66] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 66
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lather
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[67] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 67
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Lead Abatement Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[68] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 68
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[69] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 69
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Millwright
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[70] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 70
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[71] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 71
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Painter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 72
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Paper Hanger
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => PCC/Restoration
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Pile Driver
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[75] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plasterer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[76] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 76
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[77] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 77
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Refractory Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 78
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 79
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 80
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[81] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 81
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sprinkler Fitter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[82] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 82
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Stonemason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Tile Setter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Construction Dive -- DeWalt's Jobsite Pro headphones recalled for fire hazards
[total_pages:protected] => 1
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[summary:protected] => A recall notice by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission affects over 300,000 DeWalt Jobsite Pro Headphones. The recall is a result of a malfunction that can cause earbuds to overheat while charging or during use, leading to fire and burn hazards.
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[date_completed:protected] => 12/13/21
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 51
[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[1] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Toolbox talk - long shot
[image] => /record/images/4006-p.jpg
[blurb] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
[category] => Array
[0] => 20
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[2] => 49
[3] => 51
[4] => 55
[5] => 64
[6] => 68
[7] => 75
[8] => 76
[9] => 63
[10] => 78
[11] => 79
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[16] => 91
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[19] => 94
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[21] => 97
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[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Bricklayer
[4] => Trades
[5] => Carpenter
[7] => Cement Mason
[9] => Electrical Worker
[11] => Laborer
[13] => Maintenance Worker
[15] => Plasterer
[17] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[19] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[21] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[23] => Scaffold Erector
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[30] => Jobsites
[31] => Demolition
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[39] => Residential
[41] => Underground
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[44] => Media
[45] => Media & Documents
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Maintenance Worker
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Stonemason
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[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[label:protected] => Residential
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[95] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[summary:protected] => This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic.
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 03/02/16
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[2] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator
[image] => /record/images/4014-p.jpg
[blurb] => The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 20
[2] => 46
[3] => 47
[4] => 49
[5] => 50
[6] => 51
[7] => 54
[8] => 55
[9] => 58
[10] => 60
[11] => 61
[12] => 64
[13] => 71
[14] => 75
[15] => 76
[16] => 63
[17] => 79
[18] => 80
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[6] => Boilermaker
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[10] => Carpenter
[12] => Carpet Layer
[14] => Cement Mason
[16] => Drywall Applicator Specialist
[18] => Electrical Worker
[20] => Glazier
[22] => HVAC
[24] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[26] => Laborer
[28] => Painter
[30] => Plasterer
[32] => Plumber/Pipefitter
[34] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[36] => Scaffold Erector
[38] => Sheetmetal Worker
[40] => Stonemason
[42] => Structural Ironworker
[44] => Terrazzo Worker
[46] => Commercial & Institutional
[47] => Jobsites
[48] => Heavy & Highway
[50] => Industrial
[52] => Renovations
[54] => Residential
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[47] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 47
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Bricklayer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[49] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 49
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[50] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 50
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Carpet Layer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Electrical Worker
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => HVAC
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Interior Systems Carpenter
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[64] => Category Object
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Plumber/Pipefitter
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[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Scaffold Erector
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[83] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Terrazzo Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Heavy & Highway
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 90
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Industrial
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Hoar Construction, Photo by Neil Lippy
[img_practice:protected] => good
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[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
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[vid_producer:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => November 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 03/02/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[3] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Construction bracing
[image] => /record/images/3995-p.jpg
[blurb] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction....
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[4] => 51
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[13] => 79
[14] => 80
[15] => 62
[16] => 87
[17] => 90
[18] => 97
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[0] => Crushed/Struck By
[1] => Work Environment
[2] => Hazards
[3] => Falls
[6] => Scaffolds
[9] => Carpenter
[10] => Trades
[11] => Cement Mason
[13] => Electrical Worker
[15] => Elevator Constructor
[17] => HVAC
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[27] => Roofer/Waterproofer
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Cement Mason
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Elevator Constructor
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 63
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Reinforcing Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[label:protected] => Roofer/Waterproofer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Sheetmetal Worker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
[_deleted:BaseObject:private] =>
[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_topics:protected] =>
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[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
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[bok_keywords:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[90] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[title:protected] => Construction bracing
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
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[summary:protected] => This shows structural support that prevents collapses during construction.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] => jpg
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] => Photo by Pam Susi
[img_practice:protected] => good
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => January 2016
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_completed:protected] => 02/01/16
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[4] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Three Tower Cranes
[image] => /record/images/3979-p.jpg
[blurb] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplish...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 11
[2] => 64
[3] => 70
[4] => 62
[5] => 87
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[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Cranes & Hoists
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Laborer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Operating Engineer
[10] => Structural Ironworker
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[languages:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => category
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Operating Engineer
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[62] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
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[id:protected] => 62
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 2
[label:protected] => Structural Ironworker
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[modifiedColumns:protected] => Array
[87] => Category Object
[languages:protected] =>
[bok_resources:protected] =>
[bok_topics:protected] =>
[bok_keywords:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 87
[type:protected] => category
[parent:protected] => 3
[label:protected] => Commercial & Institutional
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[categories_initialized:protected] => 1
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[old_record:protected] =>
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[old_id:protected] =>
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[type:protected] => image
[display_type:protected] => Image
[user_id:protected] => 0
[language_id:protected] => 1
[tagging_id:protected] => John Newquist
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => Three Tower Cranes
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[billed_pages:protected] => 0
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] =>
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Whenever multiple tower cranes are used, there needs to be preplanning to ensure that the tower cranes cannot hit each other loads. This is accomplished by setting swing restrictions, marking the ground for allowable crane travel and training of the crane signal persons.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d001029, d000010, i001280, i001221
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
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[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
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[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
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[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_completed:protected] => 08/28/15
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 08/28/15
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[validationFailures:protected] => Array
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[5] => Search_Result Object
[title] => Suspended Scaffold Outriggers
[image] => /record/images/3975-p.jpg
[blurb] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must...
[category] => Array
[0] => 97
[1] => 15
[2] => 47
[3] => 49
[4] => 79
[5] => 87
[labels] => Array
[0] => Images
[1] => Media
[2] => Media & Documents
[3] => Falls
[4] => Work Environment
[5] => Hazards
[6] => Bricklayer
[7] => Trades
[8] => Carpenter
[10] => Scaffold Erector
[12] => Commercial & Institutional
[13] => Jobsites
[type] => Images
[sub_category] =>
[url] => /image/3975/i002683/Suspended%2BScaffold%2BOutriggers.html
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Suspended scaffolds systems must be designed by a qualified person and inspected daily by a competent person. The supports for the counterweight must be designed with a safety factor of four.
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[date_summary:protected] => August 28 2015
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[preview_mode] =>
[description] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[keywords] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[related_items] => Array
[Research Reports] => Array
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
[billed_pages:protected] => 2
[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
[billed_pages:protected] => 26
[publication_number:protected] =>
[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_summary:protected] => June 1, 2000
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => The International Safety Equipment Association
[address:protected] => 1901 N. Moore St.
[postal_code:protected] => 22209
[city:protected] => Arlington
[department:protected] => Protection Update
[phone:protected] =>
[fax:protected] =>
[email:protected] =>
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[about:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => In Their Own Words: Women in the Blue-Collar Construction Trades
[total_pages:protected] => 2
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, blue-collar, NEW, employment, trend
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 10/21/03
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Sharon Garber/COD
[priority_id:protected] => 1
[title:protected] => NIOSH Press release: June 1, 2000 Working Women Face High Risks From Work Stress, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Other Disorders, NIOSH Finds
[total_pages:protected] => 3
[billed_pages:protected] => 3
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => Occupation, construction, safety, health, hazards, work, worker, workplace, women, NIOSH, WMD, musculoskeletal, stress
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
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[date_received:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_completed:protected] => 12/28/05
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[title:protected] => Women in the Construction Workplace: Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection
[total_pages:protected] => 26
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[publication_number:protected] =>
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[keywords:protected] => female, women, CWIT, HASWIC, reproductive, sanitation, toilet, ACCSH, OSHA, harassment, PPE, culture, ergonomics, training
[comments:protected] =>
[summary:protected] => Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workplace, restricted access to sanitary toilets, protective clothing and equipment in the wrong sizes, and poor on-the-job training as factors that adversely impacted women's ability to perform their jobs safely, and recommendations for correcting these situations.
[transition_comments:protected] =>
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[date_completed:protected] => 09/27/02
[date_billed:protected] =>
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[collBokExports:protected] =>
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[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[filename:protected] => PPE for women chart.pdf
[downloadable:protected] => F
[timestamp:protected] => 2014-05-08 21:44:45
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
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[tagging_id:protected] => Eileen Betit
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[part_of:protected] =>
[keywords:protected] => respirator, gloves, clothing, glasses, hard hat, boots, PPE, personal protective equipment
[comments:protected] => At my request, C-A has back dated this document to March.
Note from Chris on 5/4/11
Original submission date: 5/4/11
Updated submission date per Sharretta's request: 3/4/11
[summary:protected] => A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for women in construction. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other items.
[transition_comments:protected] => Respirator is spelled incorrectly in the keywords section.
[external_link:protected] =>
[consol_link:protected] =>
[more_like_this:protected] => d000586,d000753,d000561
[permission_given_by:protected] =>
[published:protected] => T
[billable:protected] => F
[img_name:protected] =>
[img_ext:protected] =>
[img_width:protected] =>
[img_height:protected] =>
[img_credit:protected] =>
[img_practice:protected] =>
[vid_source_id:protected] =>
[vid_running_time:protected] =>
[vid_intended_audience:protected] =>
[vid_acquisition_info:protected] =>
[vid_cost:protected] =>
[vid_producer:protected] =>
[vid_filename:protected] =>
[vid_filename_downloadable:protected] =>
[date_summary:protected] => 2006
[date_permission_requested:protected] =>
[date_permission_received:protected] =>
[date_review_needed:protected] =>
[date_received:protected] => 03/03/11
[date_completed:protected] => 06/24/11
[date_billed:protected] =>
[date_modified:protected] => 12/18/12
[collBokExports:protected] =>
[lastBokExportCriteria:BaseElcoshItem:private] =>
[alreadyInSave:protected] =>
[alreadyInValidation:protected] =>
[validationFailures:protected] => Array
[_new:BaseObject:private] =>
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[show_text] =>
[document_content] => ElcoshItemDocumentContent Object
[id:protected] => 14
[item_id:protected] => 37
[type:protected] => main
[title:protected] => d001109
[content:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
[content_transformed:protected] =>
Personal Protective Equipment for Women - Addressing the Need (Affiliated document)
ISEA Company and Contact Information |
PPE for Women |
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Julie Tremblay, CIH, CSP, MT(ASCP)
Technical Services and
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Hearing, Eye, Face, Head, and
Fall Protection 90 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550 P: 508-764-5784
Elaine Sokolowski
Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
P: 651-737-2650 |
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Protection
Welding helmets |
111 Wood Avenue, Suite 210
Iselin, NJ 08830
United States
P: + 1 732 345 5400
F: + 1 732 219 5114 |
Clothing (aprons, sleeves, chemical suits)
Hand Protection |
Nancy Lewis
13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Ste. E
Louisville, KY 40223
P: 502 333 0510
F: 603-457-5960 |
Arc Flash Protection (bra and undergarments) |
Bouton, H.L. Co Mike
O'Hearn Vice President
11 Kendrick Road Wareham,
MA 02571 P:
800-426-1881 P:
865-300-4949 |
Eye Protection
Goggles |
Bullard Company
Wells Bullard
Product Manager, Head Protection
P: 859-234-6616 |
Head Protection |
Capital Safety Group
Nate Damro
Vice President - Global Marketing
3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
651-341-3991 |
Fall Protection |
DragonWear® by True North®
Steve Misiano
PO Box 28789
Seattle, WA 98118
P: 800-873-5725
P: 206-388-5180 |
Protective Apparel - Fire Resistant (FR) clothing |
Elk River Paul
Doepel P.O. Box
1770 Cullman, AL
35055 P:
256-739-5959 F:
256-739-6955 |
Fall Protection |
Encon Safety Products
Cindi Naylor, QSSP PPE
Business Manager Encon
Safety Products Office:
713-466-1449x172 Fax:
713-934-4865 |
Eye Protection |
ERB Safety
Jackie Barker
Vice President Sales and Marketing
P: 800-800-6522 ext. 331 |
Head Protection |
Gateway Safety Inc.
Matthew J. Love
Vice President
11111 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144
P: 216-889-2000
F: 216-889-1200 |
Eye Protection
Head Protection
Respiratory protection |
Hexarmor, Inc.
Joe Hummel
Product Development Manager
560 Fifth Street NW
Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
P: 616-459-4144 Ext. 125
P: 215-285-5262 |
Arm Protection
Hand Protection |
Eye Protection
Kevin Beckerdite
Product Manager
Smithfield.RI 02917
P: 401-757-2689 |
Eye Protection |
Fall Protection
Dave Puleo
1345 15th St.
PO Box 271
Franklin, PA 16323
P: 800-873-5242 |
Fall Protection |
Respiratory Protection
3001 S. Susan Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Stacy Turner / Vick Sarkissian, product managers
P: 714-427-5325 / P: 714-427-5204 / |
Respiratory Protection |
MCR Safety 5321
Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38118
P: 800-955-6887 F:
800-999-3908 |
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Hearing Protection
Rainwear (including high visibility rainwear)
Respiratory Protection |
Moldex-Metric, Inc. Lance
Watkins Marketing Director
10111 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232 Email: P:
310.837.6500x556 F:
North By Honeywell Safety Products Customer Service P: 800-430-4110 |
Ballistic Vests Eye
Protection Fall
Protection Head
Protection Hearing
Protection Respiratory
Fall Protection |
OK-1 Safety and Ergonomics
OK-1 Mfg. Co.
Jim Teigen
Business Manager
P: 800.654.3955 |
Back supports
Hand Protection
Joint Supports
Traffic Safety Vests (limited styles) |
Safety Optical Service
P.O. Box 292397
Lewisville, TX 75029
Ben Simmons
P: Toll Free: 866-919-2020 |
Eye Protection (universal side shields for safety frames) |
Sellstrom Manufacturing Company
Jason Suarez
Customer Service Manager
1 Sellstrom Drive
Palatine, IL 60067
P: 847-358-2000 |
Eyewear Fall
Goggles |
U.S. Safety
J.P. Sankpill
President & CEO
8101 Lenexa Drive
Lenexa, KS 66214
P: 913-599-5555x221
F: 913-894-5235 |
Eye protection
Face protection
Respiratory Protection
Foot Protection |
White Knight Engineered Products
Katie Mahoney
Account Manager
Intex and Controlled Environment Divisions
P: 715-688-9929
F: 704-910-8069 |
High Visibility Clothing |
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[template] => record
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/page/PHPTAL_Page.php
[line] => 38
[function] => execute
[class] => PHPTAL
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/page/Decorator_Page.php
[line] => 34
[function] => render
[class] => SB_PHPTAL_Page
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[7] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/page/Decorator_Page.php
[line] => 23
[function] => render
[class] => SB_Decorator_Page
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[8] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/module/Module.php
[line] => 35
[function] => display
[class] => SB_Decorator_Page
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[9] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/Controller.php
[line] => 48
[function] => display
[class] => SB_Module
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[10] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/sblib/core/SB_Engine/Controller.php
[line] => 36
[function] => main
[class] => SBE_Controller
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => Array
[11] => Array
[file] => /home/agsafe5/repositories/elcosh/live/web_root/elcosh/index.php
[line] => 14
[function] => run
[class] => SBE_Controller
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[previous:Exception:private] =>