TBT6 Power Tools
Toolbox Talks on Ergonomics by Washington University in St. Louis
These six toolbox talks and a guide were developed by Washington University in St. Louis during a three year study of ergonomics in construction trades. The series covers reaching, positioning work, moving materials and using manual and power tools on construction sites. The talks are different because they were designed to relate ergonomics information to the crew’s current job. They also provide a simple and consistent format for planning and leading open discussions about ergonomics with the work crew. Finally, they are based on research with multiple construction trades.
Summary Statement
This is the last in the series of 6 tool box talks created by Washington University in St. Louis on the subject of ergonomics in construction. This one deals with preventing carpal tunnel and other injuries when using power tools. It provides 3 guidelines for reducing risk:
1. Minimize Force. Choose tools that will do the job
easier than the alternative. Let the tool do the work for you. Maintain a firm grip, not too tight.
2. Minimize Vibration. Choose power tools with low
vibration levels. Reduce time using the tool by alternating tasks. Wear vibration dampening gloves or wrap handles.
3. Maintain Tools. Change blades before they become too dull.
Wipe & oil blades and oil joints to prevent rusting.
Facilitator / Leader Tasks Before the Tool Box Talk (TBT)
- Read through this TBT guide.
- Walk the job site to find ergonomics examples based on the TBT. If possible, take photos of “safe” and “unsafe” examples at the site to be used during the TBT.
- Write down discussion questions to ask the group.
Learning Goals
After discussing this training topic, workers will have gained a general understanding of:
- Hand injuries related to power tool use.
- Principles of choosing comfortable hand tools.
A training card has been developed to hand out at the beginning of each talk for workers to follow along.
(Examples of tools: power crimper www.malcoproducts.com & snips www.midwestsnips.com).
The last page of this PDF has directions for printing and laminating the training cards.
Why should we talk about power tools?
Minimizing forceful gripping and hand-arm vibration from operating power tools reduces your risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) like carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.
Reduce your risk of MSD injury by following these 3 guidelines as best you can.
1. Minimize Force: Choose tools that will do the job easier than the alternative.
- Choose the tool that is better for the task at hand when you have a choice between using one tool or the other.
- Let the tool do the work for you.
- Maintain a firm grip, not too tight.
- Work in a comfortable position.
- Adjust your position or task height.
- Use a drill bit extension as needed.
2. Minimize Vibration: Choose power tools with low vibration levels (Less than 5m/s2).
- Reduce time using the tool by alternating tasks.
- Wear vibration dampening gloves or wrap handles.
- When possible, attach tool to a fixture or suspend it.
3. Maintain Tools
- Change blades before they become too dull.
- Wipe & oil blades and oil joints to prevent rusting.
Print a copy of this sheet for your workers to use a discussion guide for this portion of the talk. Bring 2 power tools to the talk to discuss their design qualities for use during the current job.
Discussion Questions:
Tool Design Quality | If Yes, See Solutions | Solutions |
For rotary based tools: Does the tool jerk the hand or wrist / over-torque it? |
Yes or No | When possible, use power tools with a built in ratcheting system that does not jerk/twist the hand/wrist. Do you have other solution ideas?________________________ |
Does the tool weigh more than 2 lbs? | Yes or No | When possible, operate the tool with 2 hands. Do you have other solution ideas?________________________ |
Does the tool vibrate so much that the hand and arm shake when using it? | Yes or No | Ways to reduce your exposure to vibration in tools include: 1. Purchase tools with built-in vibration dampening. 2. Use a jig or fixture to hold the tool in place when operating it.
Glove Examples: www.impacto.ca See Construction Solutions for examples: http://www.cpwrconstructionsolutions.org/ |
- Other Discussion Questions:______________________________________
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Hand Tool Ergonomics – Health Hazards. http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/handtools/hazards.html.
- Rempel D, et al. 2010. Field Evaluation of a Modified Intervention for Overhead Drilling. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7: 194–202.
- Cal/OSHA. Ergonomic Survival Guide for Carpenters and Framers. http://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications/erg_CarpFramer.pdf.
Refer to the resources at our website--oshr.im.wustl.edu--for more Tool Box TIPS.
Training Topic: Ergonomics -- POWER TOOLS
Directions for Making Laminated Training Cards
The last page of this PDF has directions for printing and laminating the training cards.