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Use work boots while working in or visiting a construction site. Worker should be using appropriate PPE (Eye protection, hearing protection, hard hat,...


Legs are not designed as work platforms. Potential injury to hand and/or leg. Employer must provide workers proper PPE, (eye protection, hard hat)....


A knee or leg is not a stable work platform. Potential for serious injury from circular saw. NO PPE (eye protection, hearing protection, hard hat). Po...


Exposed rebar, capped to prevent potential impalement....


Swing area should be blocked off so workers cannot enter area Counterweight may be a traffic hazard...


Incorrect temporary scaffolding, no PPE (hard hats, eye protection). Bad housekeeping, trip fall hazards, fire hazards, generally an unsafe work site....


This is a dangerous work site, temporary scaffolding is unsafe, A frame ladder set up incorrectly. Ladder is too short to be used for access to scaffo...


Use correct PPE (eye protection, hard hat). Do not use unsafe temporary scaffolding....


Incomplete planking, no cross bracing, no guard rails. Don't climb on cross bracing. Hammer hanging unsecured. Work area should be kept clean....


Dangerous work platform, scaffold not fully planked. Hammer unsecured and can potentially fall on any worker below the platform....