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NIOSH Update: New Leads for Lung Disease Prevention Offered in NIOSH Study That Charts Areas of High Prevalence

Summary of results from a 2002 NIOSH study showing that employees in construction, agriculture and certain manufacturing sectors are at elevated risk...

Association between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Employment by Industry and Occupation in the US Population: A Study of Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Study

Abstract of a 2002 study showing that employees in construction, agriculture and certain manufacturing sectors are at elevated risk of COPD....

Smoking Cessation in a Blue-Collar Population: Results From and Evidence-Based Pilot Program

Abstract of a study of multiemployer health plan participants demonstrates effectiveness of smoking cessation plans within this population....

Fatality Narrative: Painter Electrocuted When Elevating Boom Manlift Contacts Powerline

Washington State Department of Labor narrative of a fatal accident when a painter in an aerial lift touched power lines, was electrocuted, and fell....

Construction Noise: Exposure, Effects, and the Potential for Remediation; A Review and Analysis

A study of noise exposure in the construction industry recommends greater use of hearing protection and control of the sources of noise on the work si...

Safety Behaviour in the Construction Industry

A multifaceted study of occupational safety culture and habits in the Irish construction industry....

NIOSH - Respirator Users Notice; Dust/Mist Filsters Approved Under Title 30 CFR, Part 11

NIOSH recommends replacing any respirator produced and approved under 30 CFR Part 11 with filters approved under 42 CFR Part 84....

Fact Sheet for Workers in Secondary Response and Other Supporting Roles

A basic NIOSH fact sheet on respiratory safety for workers assisting in disaster response....

NIOSH Suggested Guidance for Supervisors at Disaster Rescue Sites

Link to NIOSH guidance document for Supervisors at Disaster Rescue Sites, which includes recommendations for a written work plan and safety checklists...

Eye Safety for Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery

Link to a NIOSH Fact Sheet for emergency response and disaster recovery workers how to help prevent eye injuries. Includes additional links on the NI...