Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success....
Man-made mineral fibers (MMMF) - glass, ceramic, rockwool and slagwool - are used for heat and sound insulation, sometimes to replace asbestos. MMMF c...
Reports results of a study of workers involved in tunnel construction, focusing on prevalence of asthma-related symptoms....
Link to NIOSH’s WORLD Surveillance Report, which provides some data through 1999 for construction workers related to asbestosis, asthma, chronic obs...
A comprehensive study of fatalities and injuries in highway workzones and a set of measures that can be taken to reduce them....
This 2002 GAO report recommended further steps OSHA could take to target inspections on the nation’s most hazardous worksites....
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation of blown cellulose insulation applicators recommending use of respirators and moistening to reduce dust inhalation...
A study of noise exposure in the construction industry recommends greater use of hearing protection and control of the sources of noise on the work si...
A multifaceted study of occupational safety culture and habits in the Irish construction industry....
A white paper by the American Society of Safety Engineers presents the case that Health and Safety expenditures offer a good return on investment....