Report of NIOSH study finding that women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern...
A link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics site which provides economic information on the construction industry including links to details about trades...
An abstract of a study of cancer in carpenters discussing an increased incidence of cancer of the peritoneum, digestive system, and respiratory system...
An abstract of research on the relationship between falls and the size of the construction company indicating that much more emphasis needs to be focu...
Link to a CPWR analysis of data from the BLS Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and Current Population Survey shows that Hispanic construction work...
A page on the NIOSH website focuses on asphalt fume hazards, listing research documents that cover hazards to roofers, issues during the application o...
Link to section of the section of OSHA’s website that contains detailed technical information on hexavalent chromium (chromates), which is in paints...
One-page summaries of over 100 NIOSH-supported construction safety and health research projects in 2002....
Summary of results from a 2002 NIOSH study showing that employees in construction, agriculture and certain manufacturing sectors are at elevated risk...
Abstract of a 2002 study showing that employees in construction, agriculture and certain manufacturing sectors are at elevated risk of COPD....