Describes safety hazards using grinders, PPE that should be worn and steps that can be taken to reduce hazards....
Sample language that could be put into a bargaining agreement assuring that dry-cutting and dry-grinding are prohibited, in order to reduce the exposu...
Discusses the typical causes of fires, such as poor housekeeping and careless smoking and provides suggestions on how to prevent them....
Discusses the importance of having a culture of safety that starts from the top down and provides suggestions on how to create one....
Provides data suggesting that wearing visibility apparel is cost effective as well an important safety precaution....
A DOT administrator explains why he changed to ANSI/ISEA-compliant vests to protect workers in roadway workzones....
Describes 3 case studies in which a hardhat saved a worker from serious injury....
Describes risks of electrocution from using cranes, scaffolds, and ladders, discusses the importance of training and provides a card that can be used...
Describes a fatal electrocution and discusses ways that it could have been prevented....
A retrospective study of injuries from pneumatic nail guns in Washington State, including advice on engineering controls, administrative controls and...