A report to Oklahoma Injury Surveillance Participants on work-related burns among roofers, including hot tar and electrical burns....
Case examples of roofers who have suffered burn injuries and steps to prevent such injuries....
A list prepared by the International Safety Equipment Association that identifies sources and contacts for personal protective equipment designed for...
Case study on hazardous conditions and actions that could be taken to prevent these conditions, including implementing an occupational safety and heal...
Excel spreadsheet of information on polyurethane products (isocyanates) materials compiled in support of the paper Risk of Isocyanate Exposure in the...
This data brief provides updated data on fatal and nonfatal injuries among Hispanic construction workers, focusing on changes in recent years....
This study focuses on identifying and collecting data on polyurethane products (isocyanates) that are commonly used and most likely to present skin ex...
Results of a study of Latino migrant workers in New Orleans, Louisiana. The purpose of the study was to describe the occupational experience over time...
A request to distributors to stop the sale of respirators with the following NIOSH approval numbers TC-84A-4177, TC-84A-4191 and TC-84A-4239 because t...
Checklist provided by the California State Compensation Insurance Fund to help contractors make sure that there is proper ventilation, workers have ap...