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Whenever possible, elevate work to prevent awkward work postures. For instance it may be possible to use a crane to position the material on work stan...


Chemical paint removal, worker should be using eye protection. Kneeling on a hard surface and remaining in an awkward position for a long period o...


Awkward work position. Continuous pressure from a hard surface, remaining in the same position and/or kneeling can can result in pain and fatigue....


Whenever possible find a comfortable neutral work posture. Welding position is still overhead. Taking mini breaks during the day to stretch for a few...


No leading edge protection. Awkward work posture,working bent over for extended periods of time can result in fatigue or potential physical injury...


Awkward posture. Whenever possible try to find a comfortable, neutral work posture. If you are physically able to, stretching and warming up b...


Awkward posture, kneeling during grinding operation. Whenever possible try to assume a neutral comfortable work posture. If you are physically able to...


Tying rebar by hand requires workers to assume very stressful work positions, resulting in stress on the back, arms and wrist. Tying rebar with pliers...


Try to maintain a comfortable position while working. Hand troweling can be very stressful on your the back, hands and arms. If you are physically abl...


Working for a long time in an awkward posture may cause pain and fatigue. Whenever possible try and find a more comfortable and safe working position....