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OSHA Quick Card: Portable Generator Safety

Brief description of the hazards associated with using portable generators during a disaster response, including carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocut...

OSHA Quick Card: Lead in Construction

Brief description of the hazard associated with lead exposure, how to avoid exposure and protect yourself....

OSHA Quick Card: Permit-Required Confined Spaces

Brief description of what constitutes a confined space, the safety risks and what to do if required to work in one....

OSHA Quick Card: Silicosis

Brief description of the hazard associated with exposure to silica, including sources of exposure and how to prevent silicosis....

OSHA Quick Card: Mold

Brief description of the hazard associated with exposure to mold, how to prevent mold growth and cleanup tips....

FOCUS 4 Hazards

Brief summaries of what workers need to know to avoid an injury or worse from electrocutions, falling, being struck by an object or caught in between....

OSHA Quick Cards: Supported Scaffold Inspection Tips

Brief description of the inspection process that should be gone through before each work shift to ensure that there are no hazards related to the scaf...

OSHA Quick Card: Electrical Safety

Brief description of what to do to avoid electrical burns, shocks and electrocution....

OSHA Quick Card: Respirators

Brief description of the different types of respirators and the importance of using proper protection....

OSHA Quick Card: Aerial Lifts Safety Tips

Brief description of the potential hazards associated with using an aerial lift and safe work practices....