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Lifting Materials Can Hurt Your Back

Back injuries are common and expensive, but often avoidable with proper lifting techniques....

OSHA Has Not Been Inspecting Sites of Many Big Construction Contractors

David Weil reports that many of the nation's largest construction contractors had not been inspected in recently by OSHA....

US Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual

This manual prescribes the safety and health requirements for all US Army Corps of Engineers activities and operations, with reference to applicable...

Occupational Blood Lead Surveillance Of Construction Workers - Health Programs in Twelve States

A study reviewing the adult blood lead surveillance system used in each of 12 states, with an emphasis on construction workers....

Final Report: An Investigation of Health Hazards on a New Construction Project

A study to assess noise, chemical and ergonomic hazards during construction of the new IAM union headquarters....

Lyme Disease in Construction

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Lyme disease focuses on construction workers who work outdoors, especially in the Northeast, and their risk of contracting L...

Noise and Hearing Loss

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Noise and Hearing Loss describes the noise levels generated by construction equipment and steps to reduce the risk of hearin...

OSHA's Focused Inspection Program in Construction - Journeyman Technical Information Paper 1

In a guide aimed at contractors and workers, a CPWR researcher explains OSHA’s focused/partial inspection program targeting the major construction w...

Unsound Conditions: Work-Related Hearing Loss in Construction, 1960-75

1999 study of hearing loss among construction workers based on a sample covering 1960-1975....

Lyme Disease Prevalence Among Construction Workers On Long Island, New York

Study of Lyme disease identifying elevated risks outdoor construction workers in Long Island NY....