This OSHA fact sheet provides guidelines for both employers and emergency service providers in permit-required confined spaces. In addition to outlini...
This OSHA guide lists the requirements and procedures for trainers who have been authorized to conduct training through the OSHA Outreach Training Pro...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in collaboration with National Public Radio and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, conducted a poll of wor...
The California Department of Industrial Relations, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) published this pocket guide as a reference...
This physician presentation is about the risks of developing addiction from over-prescribing opioid pain medication for work-related injuries and for...
This is an OSHA concept paper exploring opportunities to integrate safety and health considerations into the growing movement for businesses to addres...
This OSHA guidance document describes the implementation of comprehensive safety and health programs in construction, providing a flexible framework f...
This CPWR Hazard Alert on Working in Cold Weather addresses the hazards associated with workingin cold weather, and how to properly prepare to work in...
This powerpoint presentation about holiday safety for the home and family was prepared by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities/Oak Ridge Institute fo...
The generators have a wiring error, which can result in an electrical shock risk if an electrical device is plugged into the generator. This recall in...