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A Pilot Study of Nanoparticle Levels and Field Evaluation of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators on Construction Sites

Submicron ultrafine particles and nanoparticles found in construction dust can be inhaled deeply into the lungs and retained in the lower airways. How...

3M Recalls 3M™ DBI-SALA® 16 Foot Talon™ Self Retracting Lifeline

This recall addresses the defective assembly of a small quantity of 3M™ DBI-SALA® 16 Ft. Talon™ Self Retracting Life Line products....

Skin Cancer

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Skin Cancer describes the hazards of working in ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, how to protect yourself, and the si...

Confined Spaces

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Confined Spaces defines what a confined space is, addresses the associated hazards of working in a confined space, and provi...

Methylene Chloride

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Methylene Chloride addresses the risk of working with products that contain this chemical, how to protect yourself from comi...

Working in Hot Weather

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Working in Hot Weather addresses the hazards associated with working in high temperatures, preventative steps, and what to d...

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning addresses the hazards associated with coming into contact with carbon monoxide through use of gas-...

Mistakeproofing The Design of Construction Processes Using Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)

This study set out to investigate and document how the principles and practices of so-called mistakeproofing may be applied to improve safety and hea...

Reducing Highway Construction Fatalities Through Improved Adoption of Safety Technologies

Highway construction is commonly associated with high rates of worker accidents. These high rates are often linked to the requirement of work in close...

Health and Safety Hazards in Construction: Recognition, Control and Free Resources from CPWR

This presentation highlights the health and safety hazards in construction related to recognition and control, and offers access to free materials in...