Search Results

Man-Made Fibers May Cause Cancer

Although manufactured insulation fibers are sold as a safe alternative to asbestos, some studies suggest a possible cancer risk....

Finns Tie a Disease, Asbestos Exposure

Researchers in Finland have found that retroperitoneal fibrosis, a rare disease, may be caused by exposure to asbestos....

Workers' Compensation is Awarded to Welder who has Parkinson's Disease

1997 article about a rare worker’s compensation award for Parkinson’s disease for a welder exposed to manganese....

Cheap Lightweight Unit Can Reduce Risky Welding Fumes

Article highlighting how cheap portable Local Exhaust Ventilation units can reduce exposure to welding fumes....

Occupational Blood Lead Surveillance Of Construction Workers - Health Programs in Twelve States

A study reviewing the adult blood lead surveillance system used in each of 12 states, with an emphasis on construction workers....

Lyme Disease in Construction

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Lyme disease focuses on construction workers who work outdoors, especially in the Northeast, and their risk of contracting L...

Skin Problems in Construction

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Skin Problems in construction lists problems caused by exposure of skin to wet concrete, solvents, and adhesives, and advice...

Noise and Hearing Loss

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Noise and Hearing Loss describes the noise levels generated by construction equipment and steps to reduce the risk of hearin...

Lead Poisoning

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Lead Poisoning describes potentially dangerous lead exposure in construction and how workers can avoid such exposure. Click...

Unsound Conditions: Work-Related Hearing Loss in Construction, 1960-75

1999 study of hearing loss among construction workers based on a sample covering 1960-1975....