The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....
This photo is from an early morning toolbox talk on a construction job in Mclean, Virginia. It is being delivered in English and Spanish....
Photo of crew listening to a toolbox safety talk before starting work....
This crew gathered every morning before starting work to discuss a new safety topic....
NIOSH’s Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program is a research program designed to prevent occupational fatalities. More FACE repo...
This white paper by the National Safety Council's Campbell Institute is the latest of several documents focused on leading indicators. Previous report...
This DOE report is an Operating Experience Level 3 document which is intended to inform senior headquarters and field management about an event involv...
This report by the NIEHS Worker Training Program identifies how climate change will affect the health of workers and how we should prepare for these i...
This OSHA pamphlet points out the very real dangers of distracted driving, which was responsible for more than 3,000 deaths and 416,000 injuries in 20...
This CPWR report analyzes data from OSHA's database of participants who received certificates during the 2015 Falls Stand-down. Many more companies an...