This CPWR Hazard Alert on Skin Problems in construction lists problems caused by exposure of skin to wet concrete, solvents, and adhesives, and advice...
This CPWR Hazard Alert on Asbestos describes how construction workers may be exposed to airborne asbestos, how this can endanger them, and how they ca...
This CPWR Hazard Alert on Noise and Hearing Loss describes the noise levels generated by construction equipment and steps to reduce the risk of hearin...
1999 study of hearing loss among construction workers based on a sample covering 1960-1975....
In a guide aimed at contractors and workers, a CPWR researcher explains OSHA’s focused/partial inspection program targeting the major construction w...
A review of tools, tasks, and work postures common on construction worksite to guide your effort to identify and mitigate ergonomic hazards....
A study of crane-related deaths in the US construction industry between 1984 and 1994....
NYC Department of Health and Mount Sinai medical center perform safety and industrial hygiene assessment of interior demolition work at two Bronx tene...
A study of chemical exposures affecting metal polishers/refinishers, recommending substitution of water-based solvents for current chemical strippers...
A 1994 study of New York demolition workers documenting significant indirect evidence of unhealthy occupational exposure to airborne asbestos....