Search Results

U.S. Construction Labor Productivity Trends, 1970-1998

Study indicating that technological advances combined with depressed real wages increased construction labor productivity through the 1980s and 1990s....

The Influence of Work Organization in the Correct Postures Maintenance in Civil Construction Tasks

Reports on an observational study of civil engineering work in Brazil which uncovered several areas where work practices result in ergonomically unsaf...

A Biomechanical Analysis of Various Brick Sizes

Report of a study which was conducted to determine the biomechanical stresses on the upper extremity and lower back regarding various size bricks used...

A Biomechanical Analysis of Laying Concrete Block

Report of a study of bricklayers laying concrete blocks which was performed to determine the biomechanical stresses and metabolic demands on their low...

Return-on-Investment (ROI) Analysis of Education and Training in the Construction Industry

This report reviews Return-On-Investment (ROI) to education and training in the construction industry and makes recommendations for the further develo...

The Effect of Overhead Drilling Position on Shoulder Moment and Electromyography

Report on a study which documented changes in electromyographic (EMG) activity and shoulder moment resulting from changes in overhead work posture of...

Measurement Strategies in the Application of Guidelines for Manual Materials Handling in Scaffolding

Report on the results of a study exploring an optimum measurement strategy for the application of manual materials handling guidelines in scaffolding....

Muskuloskeletal Disorders in Hungarian Construction Apprentices

A study of plumbing and sheet metal apprentices in Hungary to assess MSDs using surveys and electrophysiologic studies....

Workstress in the Construction Industry: Causes and Measures

A report of a study on trends in complaints of workstress of construction workers in the past decade in the Netherlands. Includes information on the n...

Virtual Reality For Young Construction Workers Instruction and Training

A study using virtual reality to train workers how to use scaffolds safely...