This photo of elevated work taking place near Cancun, Mexico shows workers without fall protection on a dangerous scaffold at great risk of falling....
OSHA requires securing compressed gas bottles on a construction site with caps firmly in place, like these oxygen bottles at a site in Washington, D.C...
Ladders should be firmly secured at the base, like this, to prevent them slipping while being climbed....
Keeping the hands free allows safe 3-points of contact while climbing ladders....
Staking and securing the side rails of a ladder prevents falls....
Extension ladders should be checked to ensure they are level before climbing....
Operating an aerial lift requires proper PPE and training....
Many workers, like this carpenter, must kneel to perform their work. Knee pads can prevent injuries. Pads can be gel-filled or padded....
Many construction firms now require workers to wear gloves to prevent dermatitis and cuts....
Suppressing road dust on large projects is an important part of a site safety program....