See new tools and practices developed by construction workers to improve safety and health on jobsites and hear the workers talk about the project and...
This innovative video with humor (in English and Spanish) informs workers and contractors that lead poisoning is still a serious health threat for the...
Video on ladder related fall hazards and how to prevent them. Includes interviews with fall victims and families of workers killed by a fall from a l...
This NIOSH video describes workplace factors that can create or exacerbate worker stress, and suggests practical measures for reducing job-related str...
A 15-min. video produced by the Building and Construction Trades Department shows the four most common causes of deaths from injuries - falls from hei...
Link to a series of videos concerning near-misses and work-related hazards in construction and other industries. The quick-loading one-minute videos...
Watch construction workers at risk while setting a modular home: 6-min. video covers hazards specific to modular home construction: riding on tilt-up...
18-min. video examines physical and other stresses workers face and demonstrates some tools and techniques to help reduce injuries, sprains and strain...
A humorous and accurate discussion of why construction workers should quit smoking - such as that the mix of workplace toxins with tobacco has a more...
Covers sling angles and different types of slings – synthetic, wire rope, mesh, and web. Information for purchasing video from Construction Safety A...