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Concrete buggy, Poor housekeeping, work site should be kept clear of debris to prevent potential accidents. Workers and supervisors on site should use...


Guard on muffler exhaust...


Ready mix concrete truck, workers using eye protection....


Ready mix does not appear to be a ladder available to access cement hopper. Not using a hard hat...


Fall hazard, ready mix concrete truck. No ladder available to access cement hopper....


Hazardous waste operation, truck driver with Tyvek suit and 1/2 face respirator....


Concrete pumping truck positioned too close to potential overhead power line. Outriggers extended....


Dump truck with raised dump body. Truck body should be blocked off physically if driver is inspecting under dump body. Unlabeled bottle in foreground....

Steel Toe: El alambrado provisional puede ser peligroso

El alambrado provisional en una obra que constituye un peligro para el lugar de trabajo significativa. Estos son algunos consejos para reducir el peli...

BUILT: Toxicos...Tabaco & Sus Hijos

Un folleto sobre los beneficios de no fumar y lo que puede hacer para proteger a sus hijos. [A pamphlet on the benefits of not smoking and what you...