Proper guarding of a potentially deadly floor hole. Orange paint makes the guarding more prominent....
This duct has been sealed to prevent dust and fungal spores from getting into the HVAC system. This building is working towards LEED silver, which req...
These arc welding units have an extinguisher nearby in case of fire....
This welder is doing flux-cored welding at heights, but is wearing fall protection and is tied off to the horizontal beam....
This arc welder is wearing dual retractable lanyards that allow him to always stay attached to a lifeline while moving about near the perimeter....
Cables have been strung through angle iron at the proper upper and midrail height around dangerous floor holes. Danger tape provides warning that the...
This job-built stand for a fire extinguisher elevates the extinguisher off the ground and prevents clutter hiding the extinguisher when it is needed....
This barrier at the top of a large job-built ladder on this project prevented workers from accidentally falling into the large excavation....
Hauling tools and materials in a container prevents falls by allowing three points of contact on a ladder....
This photo of elevated work taking place near Cancun, Mexico shows workers without fall protection on a dangerous scaffold at great risk of falling....