NIOSH - Respirator Users Notice; Approval Revoked
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Summary Statement
Notice that NIOSH rescinded approval of International Safety Devices, Inc., Air Capsule 5-Minute Emergency Escape Respirator.
April 27, 2006
Subject: International Safety Devices, Inc., Air Capsule 5-Minute Emergency Escape Respirator NIOSH Approval RescindedThe National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) wishes to inform respirator users that the NIOSH certificate of approval TC-13F-28 for the International Safety Device (ISD) Model 5000 Air Capsule 5-Minute Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus has been rescinded. This action is effective immediately.
NIOSH rescinded the certificate of approval for this respirator because of the respirator’s failure to meet the performance requirements of Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 84 (42 CFR 84). During product audit testing conducted by NIOSH, ISD failed to ensure effective quality control procedures over this respirator.
Rescinding the approval means that the Model 5000 Air Capsule 5-Minute Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus will no longer be listed as a NIOSH-approved respirator. Rescinding also means that respirators may no longer be manufactured, assembled, sold, or distributed bearing this approval number.
For more information, please call the Technology Evaluation Branch at 412-386-4000.
William Hoffman
Acting Chief
Technology Evaluation Branch
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory