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Toolbox Talk: Hot Weather

The CPWR Toolbox Talk on Hot Environments addresses the risks associated with working in extreme heat. The resource includes a brief case example, ste...

Oregon FACE Toolbox Talk: Roofing Materials

This OR-FACE toolbox talk centers on a construction worker who died after a stack of 30 sheets of plywood crushed him. The victim was standing 4 to 5...

Oregon FACE Toolbox Talk: Fall from Scaffold

This OR-FACE Toolbox talk is about a 22-year-old drywall installer from another company who was killed when he fell from a 7-foot scaffold. The victim...

Oregon FACE Toolbox Talk: Load of Lumber Shifts

This toolbox talk centers on a 32-year-old framer who died when a load of lumber fell on him. The 3 key prevention tips: Never exceed the load or ex...

Oregon FACE Toolbox Talk: Falls Down Elevator Shaft

This OR-FACE toolbox talk centers on a 41-year-old construction worker who fell 23 feet down an elevator shaft and died during the construction of a...

Thanksgiving Safety Toolbox Talk

This toolbox talk covers home safety during the Thanksgiving Holiday, highlighting steps to take to lower the risks of fire and food poisoning. The or...

Focus Four Toolbox Talks, Module 4 – Electrocutions, Talk #1 – Increased Risks

A toolbox talk on understanding electrocution risks. Includes questions to ask, an incident to discuss with images, and a place to record questions th...

Focus Four Toolbox Talks, Module 4 – Electrocutions, Talk #2 – Safety Procedure

A toolbox talk on engineering controls to avoid electrocution. Includes questions to ask, an incident to discuss with images, and a place to record qu...

Focus Four Toolbox Talks, Module 4 – Electrocutions, Talk #3 – Safety Power Tools

A toolbox talk on preventing electrocution while using power tools. Includes questions to ask, an incident to discuss with images, and a place to reco...

Focus Four Toolbox Talks, Module 4 – Electrocutions, Talk #4 – Helping an Electrocuted Worker

A toolbox talk on ways that you can help an electrocuted worker. Includes questions to ask, an incident to discuss with images, and a place to record...