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For Contractors, Safety Means Planning

Describes the recent trend toward pre-job planning, the impact on safety, guidelines for planning and how to handle sub-contractors....

Kentucky, Utah: It Is "Feasible" to Provide Fall Protection in Residential Construction

Kentucky and Utah have issued regulations requiring fall protection in residential construction....

Investigation of the Viability of Designing for Safety

A study investigating the viability of addressing construction worker safety and health in a project’s design, including a literature review, examin...

Updated Information Regarding Mosquito Repellents April 22, 2005

Update on west nile virus including information on effective repellents and how to apply them....

CPWR, NIOSH Begin New 5-Year Program

CPWR is beginning a new 5-year program on construction safety and health with 20 projects on topics such as COPD, silica, electrical hazards and falls...

2005 OSHA Resource Center Loan Program

OSHA announcement about a loan program for Spanish safety training videos. Includes information on how to apply as well as a list of available videos...

ACCSH 2001-1, exh 7, Proposed Revised Sanitation Standard

This proposed revision to 29 CFR 1926.51 for construction sanitation was prepared by the Sanitation Workgroup of OSHA's Advisory Committee on Construc...

Working Unsafe

Quote from a carpenter: “Once you get used to working in an environment that is unsafe, and you get used to working unsafe, then being unsafe is not...

An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry 2003

Descriptions of the 707 fatal events inspected by OSHA resulting from accidents which occurred in construction during calendar year 2003....

An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry 2002

Descriptions of the 719 fatal events inspected by OSHA resulting from accidents which occurred in construction during calendar year 2002....