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Recommended Practices for Safety & Health Programs in Construction

This OSHA guidance document describes the implementation of comprehensive safety and health programs in construction, providing a flexible framework f...

OSHA Resource for Development and Delivery of Training to Workers

More than 100 of OSHA’s current standards contain requirements for training. Furthermore, a comprehensive workplace safety program needs to include...

Training Requirements in OSHA Standards

This OSHA guidance document excerpts OSHA training requirements from OSHA standards....

Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin No. 5: Hazard Communication

Temporary workers are entitled to the same protections other workers. This bulletin addresses how to identify who is responsible for providing hazard...

Safety Training: Tell Me a Story

This article discusses the social and cultural power of stories, and how they have been used to develop training for skilled blue-collar workers. It i...

Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin No. 4 - Safety and Health Training

This is part of a series of guidance documents developed under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Temporary Worker Initi...

OSHA Construction Industry Digest

This updated informational booklet is intended to provide an overview of frequently used OSHA standards in the Construction industry. Employers and em...

Full Disclosure Required: A Strategy to Prevent Asthma

A number of chemicals are known to cause the onset of asthma and are labeled asthmagens. These chemicals are common ingredients of many interior finis...

Oregon FACE Toolbox Talk: Roofing Materials

This OR-FACE toolbox talk centers on a construction worker who died after a stack of 30 sheets of plywood crushed him. The victim was standing 4 to 5...

CPWR Four-hour Hazard Communication Course Student Manual

This CPWR course was revised to reflect the major changes to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard that became effective May 25, 2012. These changes...