Search Results

Immigrant Construction Workers and Safety and Health in South Florida

Study of south Florida immigrant construction workers: demographics, incomes, safety conditions on the job, and employer treatment. The study looked...

Construction Design Safety in the Marketplace

This report presents an overview of the financial impact of the failure to address construction safety at the time of design or construction planning...

Conducting Effective Tailgate Trainings

This report presents the results of an evaluation of the BuildSafe California Project, which was designed to help contractors to conduct more effectiv...


Incomplete lock out/tag out procedure, valves can still be operated...


Lock out tag out operation. A chain has been placed around the valve but the valve can still be operated....


No eye protection below face shield....

ACCSH 1994-4, exh 8, Engineering Work Group Final Report

ACCSH Engineering Workgroup report and recommendations for OSHA Work Group on their review of construction standards to determine where Competent Pers...

ACCSH 1995-1, exh 10, Health and Safety of Women in Construction (HASWIC) Final Report

Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workp...

An Analysis of Construction Accidents from a Design Perspective

An analysis of construction worker deaths and disabling injuries to determine whether addressing safety through project design could have prevented th...

Letter from a Father - on "Accidents"

Letter from the father of a worker who was electrocuted, arguing that “accidents” stem from lack of safety procedures and policies....