NIOSH guide for how to evaluate whether a change in the workplace improves safety or health for workers. This 2004 booklet uses examples from the nurs...
Ohio State University and the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation have produced guidelines on how to reduce the risk of low-back injury for healthy w...
This is a free, interactive software program from OSHA intended to help employers estimate the direct and indirect costs of an injury or illness and c...
Report of a Cornell Study on women in construction, including statistics on demographics, job retainment, and factors leading to success....
Link to a series of videos concerning near-misses and work-related hazards in construction and other industries. The quick-loading one-minute videos...
One-page summaries of over 100 NIOSH-supported construction safety and health research projects in 2002....
English and Spanish language scripts for an OSHA public service announcement on workers’ right to a safe workplace and the role of OSHA....
A toolbox talk on how to handle rehabilitation after an injury, from both the perspective of the employer and worker....
Excavation and trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations, but using these trenching tips can prevent accidents and save lives....
A multifaceted study of occupational safety culture and habits in the Irish construction industry....