A checklist to fill out prior to excavation to assure that all safety precautions have been followed and a sample daily log for trenching....
Describes the results of a survey of workers on roadway construction sites on PPE use for a variety of types of equipment and barriers to wearing the...
A funny article saying that you can be exempted from wearing a hardhat if your head meets the hardhat specifications such as being able to be underwat...
An in-depth report on the hazards faced by ready-mix concrete drivers, statistics and suggestions for improving their health and safety....
An in-depth report on the cause of death in construction workers in North Carolina over a 10 year period, including recommendations on improving healt...
A presentation for a course on accidents, including definitions of accidents, and information on how to identify and handle them and how to find out w...
A description of the dangers of poor housekeeping and suggestions on how to reduce accidents through better clean-up procedures....
Describes a new tool that can be used to lift and hold heavy, metal pieces as they are welded together, making the job safer and more efficient. It is...
A presentation on the necessity and benefits of having a comprehensive safety program and an introduction to the requirements of a program....
A template for a safety and health program that is applicable to construction....