Photograph of excavation and shoring operations. Potential slip or trip hazard for jackhammer operator working at top of pile. Equipment operator usi...
Pipeline trenching with benched sides...
Badly supported scaffold, excavation beneath scaffolding not shored...
Excavation with only some areas shored....
Excavation site...
Poor housekeeping, trowel and other debris on top of shoring....
Hazardous waste workers, working inside small trench. Workers in class C protection equipment, Tyvek suits, gloves, booties, hard hats, 1/2-face ai...
ACCSH Engineering Workgroup report and recommendations for OSHA Work Group on their review of construction standards to determine where Competent Pers...
Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workp...
An analysis of construction worker deaths and disabling injuries to determine whether addressing safety through project design could have prevented th...