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Inspecting Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry

International Labor Organization handbook is designed to help provide information and training for inspectors. It contains information on key safety...


Bad housekeeping, several potential slip or trip hazards. Maintaining a clean work surface is essential whenever workers are using stilts....

Annotated Bibliography of Issues in the U.S. Construction Industry

A listing of peer reviewed research articles on economic, labor, and human resources management issues in the U.S. construction industry. It is based...

ACCSH 1980-4, exh 1, Health Standards in Construction - Final Report

ACCSH Health Standards Workgroup report including discussion of problems and solutions....

ACCSH 1994-4, exh 8, Engineering Work Group Final Report

ACCSH Engineering Workgroup report and recommendations for OSHA Work Group on their review of construction standards to determine where Competent Pers...

ACCSH 1995-1, exh 10, Health and Safety of Women in Construction (HASWIC) Final Report

Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workp...

ACCSH 1994-5, Exh 16, Hazwoper Working Group Recommendations

ACCSH HAZWOPER Workgroup report and recommendations, including a call for promulgation of the Accreditation Standard....

ACCSH 1994-5, exh 17, Safety and Health Programs Report and Recommendations

ACCSH Safety and Health Program Workgroup report and recommendations for OSHA concerning appropriate elements for a comprehensive program standard. Pa...

NIOSH - Respirator Users Notice; Approval Revoked

Notice that NIOSH rescinded approval of International Safety Devices, Inc., Air Capsule 5-Minute Emergency Escape Respirator....

NIOSH: Some Respirator Approvals Revoked

Notice that the NIOSH certificates of approval for Survivair Incorporated’s Willson ® Dalloz Safety Products respirator assemblies using the P95 fi...