Search Results

Chemical Spills Checklist

Checklist on handling of hazardous chemical spills, including emergency action plans and hazardous materials business plans. Part of a collection. Cli...

Hand Tools Checklist

A checklist on hand tools, including items such as hazard identification, selection and inspection. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' bu...

Backs & Lifting Checklist

A checklist on how to protect your back including hazard identification and job design. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to acce...

An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry 2001

An in-depth analysis of fatal construction incidents in 2001 based on OSHA inspections, including cause of incident and comparisons with previous year...

Hazards of Working Electrical Equipment Hot

An explanation of the dangers of working on electrical equipment when the power is on, and some of the reasons people give for not turning it off....


This CPWR Hazard Alert on Ladder Safety describes safety tips for using ladders, statistics on injuries, steps that you can take to protect yourself a...

Work Injuries, Illnesses also Watched by OSHA

A newspaper article talking about the fact that there are often violations in construction companies on reporting of injuries and deaths, skewing the...

New York Alberta : Surcharge for Safety

A newspaper article on safety describes the New York surcharge on workers’ comp premiums that is used for training. There is evidence that the train...

Workers Comp in Texas

Describes a workers’ comp law in Texas that is being challenged as being stacked against injured workers. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collec...

An Ergonomics Training Intervention With Construction Workers : Effects on Behavior and Perceptions

Presents the results of a study in which a two-hour ergonomics and body conditioning training module was presented to construction workers on a large...