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This CPWR Hazard Alert on Nanomaterials addresses the emerging issue of Nanomaterials in construction with concern that these extremely small and haza...

Improving Safety Presentations Using Lessons From TED Talks

This presentation to the Chesapeake Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association on June 23, 2015 by Bruce Lippy draws lessons for safety tr...

Do Not Operate Tag

Whenever a worker discovers equipment that is unsafe, they should place a Do Not Operate tag on it to warn of others of the dangers....

Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders: A Brief Guide

This guidance from the British Health and Safety Executive was designed for employers to safely use ladders and stepladders, but should also be useful...

CPWR Resources on Latino Workers, Young Workers, and Small Businesses in the Construction Industry (January 2015)

This is a summary of resources on employment and health and safety issues for Latino workers, young workers, and small businesses. Each item has a des...

Mechanic Killed Pouring Gasoline on Fire

This Oregon FACE toolbox talk is about a 37-year-old field mechanic who died when he tried to stoke a warming fire with gasoline. The recommendations:...

Full Disclosure Required: A Strategy to Prevent Asthma

A number of chemicals are known to cause the onset of asthma and are labeled asthmagens. These chemicals are common ingredients of many interior finis...

Model Silica Specifications for Masonry Grinding, Cutting and Sawing

These specifications were created by a national advisory group of researchers, contractors, labor organizations and government that came out of a long...

Wear layered clothing

To ward off cold working construction in winter, wear several layers of clothing....