Exposure to the sun’s UV rays poses a health risk to the eyes and skin of construction workers and others who work outdoors; here’s how to protect...
Carbon monoxide given off by fuel powered equipment can be deadly; enclosed spaces with such equipment in use must be vented to the outside....
Steps to take to stay safe while working outside during a lightning storm....
Case summary of an accident in a produce warehouse in which a worker had his leg severed when struck by a forklift prong....
A general treatment of fall fatalities and fall protection with a focus on the Ontario (Canada) construction industry....
Article offers a brief guide to the types of available respirators as classified by NIOSH and which hazards each is designed to address....
Article describing how to identify and address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in witnesses of a traumatic construction accident....
A summary of typical ergonomic hazards commonly encountered by each of the construction trades....
This report is a global review of worker protection programs in construction in the United States, performed by a firm under contract with OSHA’s Of...
Article describing an education program teaching workers how to identify ergonomic hazards by their bodily symptoms....