This Oregon FACE toolbox talk is about a 37-year-old field mechanic who died when he tried to stoke a warming fire with gasoline. The recommendations:...
This Oregon-FACE toolbox talk is about a 32-year-old skidsteer operator who died after being crushed by a lift assembly while leaning out of his forkl...
This spreadsheet was produced by OSHA containing fatalities and catastrophes the agency recorded in Fiscal Year 2015 though January 16, 2015. The spre...
Following an extensive review of commercially available portable local exhaust systems (LEVs) for welding fume, the Welding Partnership for Advancing...
This report describes the results of an evaluation of a tuckpointing dust control system consisting of a Hilti VC40-U vacuum, a Hilti DC-EX shroud, an...
To ward off cold working construction in winter, wear several layers of clothing....
This report was funded by CPWR under its Small Studies Program. The authors examined an important claim by OSHA that Injury and Illness Prevention Pro...
This report captures noteworthy events in occupational health and safety during the year from August 2013 through July 2014 in the U.S. The authors in...
The NIOSH Buy Quiet web resource highlights the benefits of a buy quiet program, explains how to establish such a program in a workplace, and offers a...
This CPWR worksheet is the second of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 5 ideas for aligning and integ...