Search Results

Association between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Employment by Industry and Occupation in the US Population: A Study of Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Study

Abstract of a 2002 study showing that employees in construction, agriculture and certain manufacturing sectors are at elevated risk of COPD....

Smoking Cessation in a Blue-Collar Population: Results From and Evidence-Based Pilot Program

Abstract of a study of multiemployer health plan participants demonstrates effectiveness of smoking cessation plans within this population....

New Tools for Drywall Finishers May Reduce Injury Risk

Describes results of testing of new finishing tools for drywall finishers such as spring powered flat boxes and corner applicators....

An Ergonomics Training Intervention With Construction Workers : Effects on Behavior and Perceptions

Presents the results of a study in which a two-hour ergonomics and body conditioning training module was presented to construction workers on a large...

Optimal Ergonomic Design of Concrete Cellular Blocks

A study of three different designs of concrete cellular blocks and their impact on the musculoskeletal issues of workers handling them....

Ergonomic Interventions to Reduce Back Injuries in the Home Building Industry

Results of a study of interventions to reduce musculoskeletal injuries in home building by changing the way that activities such as drywall hanging ar...

Decreasing Workload Among Construction Workers With the Use of Four New Pieces of Equipment

Report on the results of a study to determine whether four pieces of equipment for cutting moulding, cutting reinforcement rods, carrying carpet rolls...

Evaluation of Participative Projects in the Construction Industry : An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Results in Practice

Report on the results of several projects in which a number of people participated in the design of mechanical devices to reduce labor....

Impact of Spatial Factors on Bricklaying Ergonomics

Report on the results of a study of the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among masons and their perceived discomfort using different working pos...

Promotion of Work Ability Among Cleaners

A report on a study of cleaners that looked at the benefits of a physical activity program on their health, which was designed because physical limita...