Search Results

It's a Cultural Thing

Discusses the importance of having a culture of safety that starts from the top down and provides suggestions on how to create one....

Highway-Visibility Apparel

Provides data suggesting that wearing visibility apparel is cost effective as well an important safety precaution....

Protecting Construction Workers from Power Lines

Describes risks of electrocution from using cranes, scaffolds, and ladders, discusses the importance of training and provides a card that can be used...


A brochure developed by Worksafe of British Columbia on the dangers of hypothermia, symptoms and methods to avoid it....

OSHA Scaffolding eCAT

An OSHA page with links to information and presentations on scaffold safety, focusing on suspended scaffolds and supported scaffolds....

Cold Stress from Cold Conditions

A presentation describing the problems that can occur from exposure to the cold in addition to ways to identify and to avoid cold stress....

Electrical Safety - Safety Training for the Non-Qualified

Presentation provides an introduction to electricity, including definitions, basic concepts and how to avoid electrocutions....

Masonry Information Bulletin - Good Scaffold Practices 1 - From the Ground Up

Describes the steps that should be taken to install scaffolds safely, focusing on mudsills, baseplates and leveling screws. Includes a quiz. Part of a...

Muskuloskeletal Disorders

Describes the nature of musculoskeletal disorders, the incidence of them, the impact and methods to reduce them....

Cold Stress

Describes risks of cold stress, symptoms of hypothermia and other cold stress issues and methods to avoid them....