CPWR review of BLS data on crane related injuries and deaths. This was a re-examination the data, which was first looked in June 2008....
Steps for visiting a worksite and conducting a fall hazard assessment. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the other item...
The results of a NIOSH study, which included a demonstration and evaluation of roofing tile saws and the Hytile tile cutter and their impact on silica...
The results of a NIOSH study, to quantify the respirable dust and respirable silica exposures of roofing workers using an electric powered saw with an...
The results of a NIOSH performed to evaluate the effectiveness of water spray controls for a cold milling machine. The objective of this study was to...
The results of a NIOSH evaluation of the effectiveness of water spray controls for a cold-milling machine, including the dust exposure reduction achie...
A paper summarizing the economic forces work in the construction industry, how they impact health and safety, and proposals for creating economic cond...
An analysis of construction worker deaths and disabling injuries to determine whether addressing safety through project design could have prevented th...
Research report on safety interventions and strategies to prevent trenching-related injuries and deaths....
Report on lead exposure among construction workers in Massachusetts, including the results, conclusions and recommendations...