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ACCSH 1994-4, exh 8, Engineering Work Group Final Report

ACCSH Engineering Workgroup report and recommendations for OSHA Work Group on their review of construction standards to determine where Competent Pers...

ACCSH 1995-2, exh 11C, Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee (SENRAC)

ACCSH Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee report and recommendations for OSHA, including site-specific plan, etc. Part of a collec...

ACCSH 1995-1, exh 10, Health and Safety of Women in Construction (HASWIC) Final Report

Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workp...

ACCSH 1988-1, exh 1, Fatality/Catastrophe Investigation Final Report

ACCSH Fatality/Catastrophe Subcommittee report, attachments and recommendations for March 29, 1988, including report from May 23, 1983. Part of a coll...

An Analysis of Construction Accidents from a Design Perspective

An analysis of construction worker deaths and disabling injuries to determine whether addressing safety through project design could have prevented th...

Fatal Facts - Electrocution Hazards Working Near Overhead Powerlines

The Washington state FACE program analyzed reports of some work-related electrocutions near overhead power lines in 1998-2005 and recommends way to pr...

Communication Tower Safety Regulations in North Carolina

Discusses new regulations in North Carolina designed to protect workers from falls and other hazards when working on communication towers....

NIOSH Alert: Preventing Injuries and Deaths from Falls during Construction and Maintenance of Telecommunication Towers

A report on hazards involved in construction of telecommunication towers that includes data, standards that apply, case studies and steps that workers...

A Proposed revised OSHA Crane and Derricks Standard for Construction

Describes a proposed revised standard for derricks and cranes, including the representatives on the committee and the key provisions of the proposal....

2005 OSHA Resource Center Loan Program

OSHA announcement about a loan program for Spanish safety training videos. Includes information on how to apply as well as a list of available videos...