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NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program

Link to the section of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s website that contains their FACE reports (Fatality Assessment and...

Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors-Subpart N Section 6

An in-depth presentation on regulations covering cranes, derricks, helicopters, hoists, and conveyors, hazards commonly seen while using them and a qu...

Improving Safety Can Save You Money

Provides data on the financial benefits of improving safety with information on direct and indirect costs of injuries and illnesses....

Lack of Employee Enforcement is Main Barrier to Road Worker PPE Use (ISEA)

Describes the results of a survey of workers on roadway construction sites on PPE use for a variety of types of equipment and barriers to wearing the...

Safe Work Permits

A training presentation on safe work permits, what they are, when they are needed and how to use them.Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection'...

Deaths From Aerial Lifts

Provides information on the causes of deaths on aerial lifts, the trades most often involved and suggestions to avoid death and injury....

Power Line Awareness Permit

A form for a power line awareness permit that allows you to enter information about the site and the steps that you will be taking to maintain safety....

Department of Energy Hoisting and Rigging Handbook

In-depth manual on the DOE requirements for hoisting and rigging. Includes definitions, standards, training requirements and procedures for many diffe...

Multi Employer Relationships on the Job Site

A presentation on the distribution of responsibilities and when a variety of employers are working together on a project, including the management of...

Protecting Construction Workers from Power Lines

Describes risks of electrocution from using cranes, scaffolds, and ladders, discusses the importance of training and provides a card that can be used...