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Trenches & Excavations Training Guide

A guided discussion through hazards of trenches and excavations, a set of questions to use for discussion and a sign-off form. Part of a collection. C...

Portable Power Tools Training Guide

Statistics on injuries caused by use of portable power tools, types of injuries possible, maintenance and prevention, includes discussion questions an...

Vehicles and Heavy Equipment Training Guide

A guided discussion through hazards of vehicles and heavy equipment, a set of questions to use for discussion and a sign-off form. Part of a collectio...

Paints and Solvents Training Guide

Training on potential harmful effects of paints and solvents such as inhalation hazards and fires or explosions - includes discussion questions and a...

Housekeeping Training Guide

Training on the importance of housekeeping, hazards that result from poor housekeeping and how to do it properly - includes discussion questions and a...

Hand Tools Training Guide

Training on hand tools, including items such as how to select the proper tool, dangers of using incorrect tools, and maintenance of tools – includes...

Chemical Spills Training Guide

Training on handling of hazardous chemical spills, including emergency action plans and hazardous materials business plans – includes questions for...

Asphalt Training Guide

Training on the potential dangers of asphalt, how to identify hazards and work with it safely– includes questions for discussion and a sign-off form...

Adhesives & Resins Training Guide

Training on the potential dangers of adhesives and resins, what products contain them, and how to use MSDS’s– includes questions for discussion an...

Vehicles & Heavy Equipment Checklist

A checklist including hazard identification, inspections and work practices. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access the oth...