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Preventing Injuries When Working with Hydraulic Excavators and Backhoe Loaders

Case studies of workers killed when hit by excavators or loaders and controls that should be instituted to avoid injuries and deaths in these situatio...

When Workers Die

Links to a three-part New York Times series highlighting the failure of the U.S. government to take strong action after investigating workplace deaths...

Excessive Exposure to Silica in the US Construction Industry

Exposures to respirable dust and silica were investigated among 36 construction sites in the USA. This study indicated that silica exposures are gross...

The first line of defense from cave-ins: The Competent Person

Discusses the role of the competent person in preventing cave-ins as well as details of inspections that should be completed and discipline for not fo...

OSHA's "$AFETY PAYS" Program

This is a free, interactive software program from OSHA intended to help employers estimate the direct and indirect costs of an injury or illness and c...

NIOSH Construction Compendium

One-page summaries of over 100 NIOSH-supported construction safety and health research projects in 2002....

Big Dig

A U. Mass., Lowell professor discusses overhead drilling in the ‘big dig’ and its attendant ergonomic and airborne silica inhalation hazards....

Toolbox - Fatal Facts - Falls

OSHA magazine article profiling death of a carpenter who fell into an unguarded pit, citing regulations that applied to the situation....

Safety in the Trenches

Excavation and trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations, but using these trenching tips can prevent accidents and save lives....

Fatality Narrative: Worker Struck by Vehicle When Exiting Trench in Roadway

Washington State Department of Labor narrative of a fatal accident when a passing car struck a member of an underground utility crew....