Checklist provided by the California State Compensation Insurance Fund to help contractors make sure that all portable power tools have appropriate gu...
Information on steps cement masons can take to avoid musculoskeletal disorders....
Explanation of the ergonomic hazards facing ironworkers and measures that can be taken to prevent injuries....
Booklet and access to individual tip sheets that contain practical ideas to help reduce the risk of repetitive stress injury in common construction ta...
Brief description of how to identify a potential hazard before an accident happens. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button to access t...
This study looked at the work-related safety and health hazards of unrepresented workers in the iron working industry. Interviews were with 87 non-uni...
The ROI Calculator is designed to help employers evaluate the financial impact of new equipment introduced to improve safety. The site includes exampl...
International Labor Organization handbook is designed to help provide information and training for inspectors. It contains information on key safety...
Using jack hammer with water spray attachment. Newly developed water spray attachment to reduce dust exposure for operators. Jackhammer operators sti...
Powered troweling machines can reduce hand troweling and kneeling. Taking mini breaks (a few seconds) and stretching during the day can help reliev...