Safety alert issued on motor vehicle safety, to prevent distracted driving and promote seat belt use. This alert is part of the Massachusetts Fatality...
A brochure describing NY Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (NY FACE), a NYS Department of Health workplace health and safety program. NY FACE...
This Fatality Assessment & Control Evaluation (FACE) Program flyer contains information about FACE Programs as well as materials available to keep wor...
This report provides a comprehensive summary of fatal occupational injuries in Massachusetts during 2008–2013. It includes a comparison of the occup...
This toolkit includes a workbook, safety flyers, case studies, fatality reports and other resources to help you speak with your employees about fall h...
Collection of guides, training resources, and checklists to identify and mitigate ergonomic hazards....
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board is an independent, non-regulatory safety agency that investigates chemical incidents and makes recommendations to preve...
This infographic by the Chemical Safety Board shows the enormous cost in lives, injuries and money this nation has experienced from the industrial inc...
Oregon OSHA published this instructor training guide on excavation that uses workbook pages accompanied by instructor note pages as a tool for trainin...
This guide is intended to help small businesses comply with OSHA's Confined Spaces standard. It addresses the most common compliance issues that emp...