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U.S. Construction Labor Productivity Trends, 1970-1998

Study indicating that technological advances combined with depressed real wages increased construction labor productivity through the 1980s and 1990s....

Return-on-Investment (ROI) Analysis of Education and Training in the Construction Industry

This report reviews Return-On-Investment (ROI) to education and training in the construction industry and makes recommendations for the further develo...

Workstress in the Construction Industry: Causes and Measures

A report of a study on trends in complaints of workstress of construction workers in the past decade in the Netherlands. Includes information on the n...

Ergonomics in Construction: Where Does it Hurt?

Interviews conducted with workers using a structured questionnaire and a graphic inquiry determined that the hands, feet and lower back are mostly use...

Ergonomics and Economics : Dilemma's and Chances

In the Netherlands two studies were carried out to estimate the costs of (poor) working conditions nationwide respectively for the building and constr...

Ergonomics in Construction : Management and Worker Perceptions

Describes research on the perceived incidence of musculoskeletal ailments suffered by workers and the tasks that relate to them...

Knowledge Bank Construction Tasks

A health and safety database has been developed on the basis of knowledge gained over the past decade in the Dutch construction industry, which includ...

Follow-Up Study of Muskuloskeletal Injuries among Construction Workers

Results of an interview study of construction workers to assess the impact of acute injuries on musculoskeletal disorders....

OSHA: Confined Spaces Advisor 1.1

A link to the OSHA Confined Spaces Advisor 1.1, a free download to help owners and contractors assess how confined space regulations apply to their pr...

OSHA: Respiratory Protection Program Advisor

A link to the OSHA Respiratory Protection Program Advisor, a web-based tool to help owners and contractors assess how respiratory protection regulatio...