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FY15 Fatalities and Catastrophes To Date

This spreadsheet was produced by OSHA containing fatalities and catastrophes the agency recorded in Fiscal Year 2015 though January 16, 2015. The spre...

Selection of Commercially Available Portable Local Exhaust Ventilation to be Evaluated for Effectiveness in Controlling Worker Exposures to Welding Fumes in Construction

This study was conducted by the CPWR Welding Pact, which collected data for 81 mobile and 54 portable local exhaust ventilation units for capturing we...

Welding Fume Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)Evaluation: the Lincoln Electric X-Tractor Portable LEV System

This report is from a project called AIMS (Adoption of Innovations to Minimize Fumes and Dusts in Construction) that uses an industry partnership to s...

Model Silica Specifications for Masonry Grinding, Cutting and Sawing

These specifications were created by a national advisory group of researchers, contractors, labor organizations and government that came out of a long...

Wear layered clothing

To ward off cold working construction in winter, wear several layers of clothing....

Working in the cold

When working in cold weather, wear a hat that covers the ears, but fits under a hard hat....

The Impact of IIPP Policies on Statewide Injury Rates May 2014 in U.S. Construction

This report was funded by CPWR under its Small Studies Program. The authors examined an important claim by OSHA that Injury and Illness Prevention Pro...

The Year in U.S. Occupational Health & Safety Fall 2013 – Summer 2014

This report captures noteworthy events in occupational health and safety during the year from August 2013 through July 2014 in the U.S. The authors in...

3M Voluntary Recall of SWSW Mobile Sky Walk Horizontal Lifeline Systems

3M Corporation is voluntarily recalling their SWSW Series Mobile SkyWalk horizontal lifeline systems because they may not meet OSHA requirements at 2...