A dictionary and translation of Spanish terms often used in construction....
A guided discussion through hazards of scaffolds, a set of questions to use for discussion and a sign-off form.Part of a collection. Click on the 'col...
A guide on training on portable ladder use, including questions to ask, subjects to cover and a sign-off form. Part of a LOHP collection. Click on the...
A short handout describing the benefits of sitting down rather than bending over when working. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' button...
A guided discussion through hazards of vehicles and heavy equipment, a set of questions to use for discussion and a sign-off form. Part of a collectio...
Training on PPE such as hardhats, eyewear, gloves and shoes, includes discussion questions and a sign-off form. Part of a collection. Click on the 'co...
A guided discussion through the steps that should be taken when determining whether to tie off or use other fall protection, including a set of questi...
Training on potential harmful effects of noise on hearing - includes discussion questions and a sign-off form. Part of a collection. Click on the 'col...
Training on handling first aid and emergencies - includes discussion questions and a sign-off form. Part of a collection. Click on the 'collection' bu...
Training on the importance of housekeeping, hazards that result from poor housekeeping and how to do it properly - includes discussion questions and a...