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The Economic Impact of the Environmental Career Worker Training Program

This study was initiated at the direction of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Worker Training Program (WTP) to assess t...

Occupational health risk management in construction: A guide to the key issues of occupational health provision

This document was prepared by the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC) Health Risks Working Group, which advises the Health and Safety Ex...

Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect

This is the 24th edition of the AFL-CIO Health and Safety Division's Death on the Job annual review. It reports on several key trends. Latino workers...

MSA User Safety Notice for 50 ft. / 15 m. Workman® Self-Retracting Lanyard

Mine Safety Appliances is issuing this notice because it determined that a small percentage of Workman 50 ft. / 15 m. SRLs manufactured from January t...

A Case-Control Study of Airways Obstruction Among Construction Workers

This paper looks at the contribution of work-related exposures to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among construction workers. The authors...

A Case-Control Study of Airways Obstruction Among Construction Workers: Webinar PPT

This PowerPoint was presented by John Dement during a CPWR webinar to discuss the results of a study of COPD among construction workers. The study was...


This CPWR Hazard Alert on Nanomaterials addresses the emerging issue of Nanomaterials in construction with concern that these extremely small and haza...

Improving Safety Presentations Using Lessons From TED Talks

This presentation to the Chesapeake Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association on June 23, 2015 by Bruce Lippy draws lessons for safety tr...

Concrete form with guardrails

Concrete forms come with the ability to up full guardrails and toeboards to prevent falls....

Overhead power line warning signs

Overhead power lines are often hit by equipment and result in many fatalities. Putting visible signs can alert the drive that they are near the lines....