Search Results

Optimal Ergonomic Design of Concrete Cellular Blocks

A study of three different designs of concrete cellular blocks and their impact on the musculoskeletal issues of workers handling them....

Ergonomic Interventions to Reduce Back Injuries in the Home Building Industry

Results of a study of interventions to reduce musculoskeletal injuries in home building by changing the way that activities such as drywall hanging ar...

Evaluation of Participative Projects in the Construction Industry : An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Results in Practice

Report on the results of several projects in which a number of people participated in the design of mechanical devices to reduce labor....

Impact of Spatial Factors on Bricklaying Ergonomics

Report on the results of a study of the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among masons and their perceived discomfort using different working pos...

Promotion of Work Ability Among Cleaners

A report on a study of cleaners that looked at the benefits of a physical activity program on their health, which was designed because physical limita...

The Influence of Work Organization in the Correct Postures Maintenance in Civil Construction Tasks

Reports on an observational study of civil engineering work in Brazil which uncovered several areas where work practices result in ergonomically unsaf...

A Biomechanical Analysis of Various Brick Sizes

Report of a study which was conducted to determine the biomechanical stresses on the upper extremity and lower back regarding various size bricks used...

A Biomechanical Analysis of Laying Concrete Block

Report of a study of bricklayers laying concrete blocks which was performed to determine the biomechanical stresses and metabolic demands on their low...

Laboratory Evaluation of Isometric Strength and Horizontal Shear Forces Associated with Typical Scaffold End Frame Disassembly Postures

Report on a study which was conducted to measure the whole body isometric strength capability and horizontal shear forces of 47 male construction work...

Postural Stability During Simulated Drywall Lifting and Hanging Tasks

Report on the results of a study on workers' postural instability while lifting or hanging drywall sheets....